Samsung Z Fold 3 is the second best folding phone on earth for a reason.
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Hey what's up MKBHD here And this ...? Actually I should. - And this is a Samsung Galaxy, Z, Fold, 3.. So the Z Fold 3 is basically a better built version of the Fold 2. And it's 1800 bucks now..

So it's still an expensive specialty phone, but with serious ambition. And that's what I wan na talk about in this review is the ambition of this phone, which I believe is the second best folding phone out right. Now. See Samsung drop 2 Folding phones on us this month, the Fold 3 that you're seeing here, but also the Flip 3, the vertical clamshell and I fully believe the Flip 3 at this point - is the best Folding phone option out there for most people., The most Reasonable to actually recommend today., But as great as it is, the Flip 3 has less ambition than the Fold.

So like here, I already sort of explained this on the way from podcast.. So sorry, if you've already heard this before, but also if you haven't been subscribed over there, you should do that.. But what I'm saying is the Flip 3 has one goal, which is to give you as close to a normal smartphone as possible experience and then just fold up and getting your pocket be smaller than normal done.. The Fold wants to be as close to a normal smartphone as possible, but then also give you a huge sort of mini tablet, sized screen and all the experiences that are great about that..

That is a much bigger goal and ambition for this phone., And so I actually think that, because the phone's ambition is so high, this phone, the Fold 3, is actually worse at some normal phone things on its way to doing some things that literally no other phone Can do. So the most obvious place this shows up is when you try to use this as a normal phone without unFolding. It. Like this is what one of those boring normal phones.

Usually it looks like.. This is what we're used to for typing and scrolling and watching videos et cetera. The cover screen on the Fold 3. It is better than ever.

It's way better than the first Fold.. It is corner to corner now.. It's 120 Hertz now plenty bright and you can use it as a normal phone for quick stuff when you don't really feel like opening the whole thing up, but it's pretty narrow.. It's a very tall aspect ratio that makes the top pretty difficult to reach., Watching videos on it isn't great.

Again, because it's so narrow. And even though I've used the phone for over a week, the keyboard on the cover screen is still a little cramped.. It's very easy to make a lot of typos trying to hit those tiny buttons.. So it's just not the shape of a normal phone.

And there's also the Z axis, which doesn't bother me as much but you'll notice. It's also way thicker than a normal phone. Plus. There's a camera bump on the corner here, which makes it rock pretty hard without a case, but it's better than the last version..

The Fold 3 is 2 millimeters, thinner and trims a little bit of weight. And I can actually see and feel that difference.. But overall it is objective, really an awkward size and shape to use on a regular basis.. It's also worse than normal phones in car mounts, because it's so narrow and heavy..
It usually just falls right out of most car mounts. And it's also an absolute unit in your pocket., Like obviously, there's lots of other big phones, but this one is such a unique object in shape and size that yeah, it's just an awkwardly big clunky thing to Have in your pocket. Now Samsung is doing the Folding hardware better than ever. That the hinge protrudes even less out the side and it's just a little more firm and solid.

Even in last year's hinge, it feels good. And believe it or not. The whole phone, including this hinge, is IPX8 water resistant., Not because the hinge is watertight, but because they've actually coated the components inside the hinge and then sealed each half of the phone off.. But as I've mentioned, IPX8 does not include dust resistance., So it's got Ingress protection against liquids and that's all great.

You can splash it.. You can walk outside in the rain, but do not take this anywhere near a beach or a woodworking shop, or anything like that, because any solids or grit or dirt that gets in there that'll still kill a phone like this.. Now I don't know about you, but I really do like the overall design here of the Fold. 3.

They're still doing the Satin on almost everything for the Folds., So Satin Black aluminum side, rails and Satin Black back with this new camera bump design. - And this is the same set of cameras that were back here on the Fold 2 from last year, which is To say not quite highest end flagship caliber, but still a very good. Like in daylight, with tons of light. These are great, very capable cameras, but just not quite on the same level as the flagships from Google and apple and even Samsung, with their own S.

21 line when it comes to sharpness and especially edge sharpness and low-light performance and video et cetera.. So these are all 12 megapixels sensors for the primary ultra wide and telephoto. I'd rate these as like, B plus cameras.. So that's really not bad at all., But you know what is you know? It's really been the biggest sacrifice on Fold 3 battery life., As you can imagine, going from a 60 to 120 Hertz cover display and also trimming the battery slightly..

When you got thinner, it went from 4,500 to 4400 milliamp hours and still powering a huge bright 120 Hertz 7.6 inch display.. You do lose a bit of battery in it showed here. And like I knew it would be worse, but I forgot how quickly you can actually kill the Fold because you don't really feel like you can conserve battery by using the cover screen. Anymore..

That's a 6.2 inch bright 120 Hertz display now.. So, no matter how I use this phone, which that's for real, I'm typically gon na, have the power user tendencies.. I was at low battery or near dead before the end of the day.. Here's a normal day of use with three and a half hours of screen on time.
And it's got me down to 15 %. I could top out at four to four and a half hours which isn't great. But that's where I was at., But look all the sacrifices you're making all of the hinges and keeping it away from sand and not being able to Mount it in a car and dealing with the small outside keyboard.. All of those sacrifices are for this.

For unfolding. It to use that big corner to corner uninterrupted 7.6 inch inside display., And that is something that no other pocketable device can really offer right. Now., That's what we're really here! For. And they've improved this display, even over last year, with some really thoughtful things..

So first change the top protective layer over this folding glass is 30 % harder, which maybe that's a little deceiving. Like it sounds pretty nice on paper, but fundamentally it's still very soft.. It still has to fold in half., So it absolutely will still take permanent damage from accidental fingernails and anything harder than a normal finger screen press.. This is not a normal screen still.

And by the way, you can absolutely still see the crease, as you've probably noticed by now, just as easily as before.. Now I'm obviously used to it at this point. And I do think it has the advantage of being vertical through the middle.. So your finger isn't really running over it as much as it might on the Z flip, where you touch it a lot while scrolling.

But yeah, it's still a bleeding edge, very new display technology.. But what all this does allow now is S Pen support., So it's here. They finally done it.. The biggest screen on any phone now supports the accessory that so many of us love from that Note series.

And now it will. Let us do all the great stuff on this even bigger canvas with the higher refresh rate and all the great stuff about the Note.. It's time to kill. The Note right.

Is what I would say if there wasn't a giant asterisk over this S, Pen, which is that it is an optional accessory, a very option. Accessory., So Samsung made a special Fold edition of the S Pen. Actually, it's 50 bucks and it's got a special retracting softer tip so that it won't damage this new folding glass and cover material., And you do get yeah pretty much all the benefits. Once you start using it all the note taking the higher fresh rate, the ultra Responsiveness, the different pressure sensitivities, the air commands..

You know, I'm not a huge artist, but the ability to sketch things and annotate things and sign things. It's all here.. But when you're done, where do you put it? I mean there's no magnets or anything to attach it to the phone and you definitely don't wan na just loose in your pocket.. So that's another 80 bucks or so for a case to keep it attached to the phone for ready, access., And that case adds a flip cover to the front whether you like it or not., And it's just a lot of extra work.
Just to do the S Pen dance on a screen, that's not even an inch bigger than the note 20 ultra., So you know I'm glad they added it.. I think it's great that this compatibility exists, now. And I think a lot of people will actually spend that money and will use the S Pen on this Fold 3. But the best S, Pen experience if you're dead, set on an S Pen is definitely still what the galaxy note where you just pop it inside the phone and it lives there..

So I guess what I'm trying to say is. This is great, but this shouldn't be the reason for the death of the Note line.. The Note line should stay around. Samsung if you're, watching this.

But anyway. The second big change is the selfie. Camera is a behind the display. Here.

Can't even see it. Can you, But it's back there., So it is a four megapixel sensor behind the glass and the display panel, hidden by a pixelated array. And it's decently hidden in most cases, where you're not really looking for it better than a notch anyway, but the image quality as We've seen with this first generation of selfie cameras is not great., So it uses this D hazing algorithm. That successfully brings a lot of the contrast and sharpness back.

And, even though it looks super processed, it's definitely usable for just a normal selfie., But in most instances you're gon na wan. Na close, it up and use a whole punch, selfie camera for a much better quality., Or if you really want a better quality shot, you can actually just use the main cameras. And that's gon na be way. Better.

Now, obviously, there's still gon na be times where you just conveniently got ta use the inside selfie camera.. Maybe there's a video call or they're doing something on the big screen. You just wan na take a quick selfie. Then you're gon na have to deal with the RGB haloing and you can kind of see the pixels, the camera's looking through, especially in bright environments and with any highlights.

But yeah. It's fine., It's a little gimmicky, but it does give you that nearly bezel-less edge to edge display., But then, of course, the whole reason we want. This huge display, like this in the first place, is all this real estate and all the software that they've built to take advantage of it., And it's really good.. I love using this phone., Like I feel more productive with my phone that opens up to a tablet.

Size., Like most of the time, if I get an email that I need to respond to with more than one sentence, I don't use my phone anymore.. I just go to a computer., But with this I'm like might as well type stuff out.. So there's all the flex modes in apps, like the camera and YouTube., I watch a lot of like mealtime YouTube videos and this phone's ability to just fold up. It makes it a little bit easier to just watch stuff as it's sitting on the table next to you..
No other phone can do that without some sort of case., And the app panels over here on the right can also be pinned there after you enable it and labs.. So this is also super useful and there's still badges for notifications and cycling in recently used apps and everything.. It's kind of just like a full on desktop OS, Doc, very cool. And there's a couple of cool apps that show columns in landscape view like Gmail.

But you still can't have an email open while replying to it.. That would have been really cool.. I do like Spotify apps columns, though it's neat., But you know what There's also some downsides to the software too., Mainly unoptimized apps., And one of the big ones. Is.

I think Linus has pointed this out a bunch of times. The YouTube app on the Fold is straight up: missing, features., Like you can't post to community or post YouTube stories on this phone's YouTube app., It's kind of a nine. And there's also some apps that clearly still aren't designed to work in a square aspect. Ratio like Instagram.

And if you use them as they're built they'll, put your wallpaper blurred out behind it.. So it kind of feels like a floating window. But now there's a new labs feature that actually lets. You adjust the aspect ratio of any app and sort of force it into this aspect, ratio to fill the screen.

And it works really well.. I was impressed and now Instagram looks like it was built for the Fold.. But overall I can't lie I've really just been enjoying using the Fold because it's so different from a normal phone. And it kind of forces you to start developing this habit of every time.

You take the Fold out of your pocket. You have a moment to think. Okay, do I wan na use this closed, Or am I about to open this up right now, Like lots of the early morning stuff, for me like checking notifications catching up on Twitter? Maybe some emails, some quick replies I'll just stick to the outside screen., But as I move on with the day, I suddenly start to wan na consume more.. Maybe I wan na watch a bigger video or I start to type more than one sentence..

Then I have to decide to open it up and really get into it.. But that brings me back to my original focus here, which is the ambition of a phone like this., Like I love using the Fold 3, but I also loved using Fold 1 and 2. But I was fully willing to deal with the lots of shortcomings. I've talked about in order to be on the bleeding edge and to have those couple of things that no other phone could have., And I think, if you weren't that guy willing to do that for Fold 1 and 2 Fold 3 is not gon na.

Be the one to change your mind. Like at the end of the day, think about it.. If I'm someone who is willing to spend a ton of money on a phone, I've got $ 1,800 to spend, I probably want the best possible phone in as many areas as possible right. So I want the best possible specs.
And this phone does that Snapdragon triple eight tons of Ram, but that's the easy part. Lots of phones do that.. I'm also gon na want the best cameras and the best battery life and the best usage experience and ergonomics., And this phone straight up doesn't have those things. I mean even in Samsung's own lineup, you can get a phone that does more of these things..

So that's kind of where we're at with folding phones right now.. The trade-off is, you do still just get one thing that no other phone has.. Maybe you really want that., So Fold 3 gets the closest to that particularly high ambition., And I love that about it. But it's already got me excited about the next one.

Either way that's been it. Thanks for watching. Catch, you guys in the next one. Peace.


18 thoughts on “Samsung z fold 3 review: let’s talk ambition!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris says:

    Tks. Great video. Was thinking about getting it. Now I think I just might wait for the newer better model.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M. Shafiq says:

    I think there is purpose of front diaplay and fold diaplay…maybe front display just for making call or receiving any message notifications…but if you want to type something or watch movies or to see better picture in social media..its better to use the folding

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cosmin Cosmin says:

    but why don't they just make it like a regular phone? and when you open it you have even more screen .. ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melia Bennett says:

    Thank you for that honest review. I am a note person since the note came out.
    This will be different but wanted to try something different, still not sure if I want the pen, the reason for watching your second video. Any other suggestions, is the pen really worth the money, I wish I could use the other pens that I have from my other notes.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nuvy R says:

    Why do I feel like the phones we have now like iPhones you know typical touch screens size phones is going to be a thing of the past we going back to small flip phones maybe even Nokia

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noah Nannberg Schousboe says:

    Im really thinking of buying the flip 3 but again im not so compfy thinking the phone might die during the day or sand/dirt slipping in and destroying the phone. But if samsung solves this issue for the fold 4 ima go insta-buy it <3

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HouseHoldAdventures says:

    I just bought this. Mkbhd is a terrible reviewer. He always suggests we buy the smallest and cheapest versions of phones as if we cant afford 2k.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Irishartillery says:

    Idea! To make the internal glass stronger.
    Why cant Samsung use tough victis glass for the internal screen, but make just the crease or the middle a little softer so it can fold?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C swagington says:

    NICE REVIEW I watched this video before I ordered it. Im back to say this phone is excellent no regrets at all lol go get it

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Axel Sullivan says:

    As someone who has the fold 2. I'm going to keep this one. I love it. I did get sand in the hinge. But it's still an amazing phone.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Newman says:

    I used to love this guy, always honest and straight to the point, then of course like many others he got famous and it ruined him, now he is so far up his own ass he can't find his way out, i liked the old marques, the new guy is a kiss ass.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C. Moore says:

    This is super dope but if really rather have a new note. Coming from the last note 😔. I really need a new phone but scared to give up my note.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DaVanillaGorilla says:

    Honestly just interested in this phone because I mostly watch YouTube and Netflix alot on my phone, so seeing this big screen has gotten my attention. Not a mobile gamer and don't really take alot of pics with my phone anyways so this seems pretty cool for me at least.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mib1800 says:

    Things like soc, camera, ram, performance etc are pretty neck to neck for every flagships out there. You have to nitpick to separate them apart. Fold3 has what all the other flagships have. But the other flagships don't have the big screen of the Fold 3 (and screen size is the most important factor)

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benedek Kovács says:

    Having a phone with this abitions man, this one is super lit the only thing missing was the S pen! I am thinking about getting this one or the the next the Z fold 4

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve says:

    Really wanted to love this phone enough to buy but battery life, the crease and no spen space out me off. I think the s22 ultra will offer nearly the same screen real estate (6.8inch Vs 7.2 for the fold), have stronger battery life and native s pen slot within the phone. I will await for official news.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Armen Hammer says:

    Phone looks pretty cool, one question that I have. what is the best android that sends pictures or videos to an iPhone without any blur even on a group chat?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom S says:

    It will fail completely. Use case is missing for start. Also a soft plastic display and when folded you have a huge bump…

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