YouTube comments spam has been next-level out of control for months.
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Okay, so i was at this meeting a long time ago with google and youtube. I don't even know if i'm allowed to talk about this yet, but it was so long ago proud. It doesn't matter uh, but eric schmidt was there and he said something that i remember super clearly to this day. I'll, never forget the quote, which was every problem that we have is a problem at scale and the more i think about that the crazier it is.

I mean it makes a lot of sense. Youtube is a huge site, so youtube right now in 2022, has 2.6 billion monthly active users. That means that, if there's a problem, that's so small, it only affects 0.1 percent of people on youtube. That problem now affects 2.6 million people, so if you're running a company that big that affects this, many people like there's gon na, be a lot of decisions that come across their plate that are going to affect large groups of people and obviously, there's got to be A threshold that you set where you can't do tons of things every single day, but once it reaches the threshold, then you got to make a choice.

So maybe, oh you know something comes up. That's affecting a third of youtube users that makes 4k videos loads slowly or something all right. We'll do something about that or hey looks like three percent of youtube: users are getting dislike bombed so we'll do something about it, we'll just get rid of dislikes from the whole site, but there are still going to be small little issues, all the time that are Below that threshold that affect a tiny, tiny fraction of the site - 0.1 0.01 percent - and that isn't a big enough issue to spend money on fixing. But it's still affects millions of people, but this issue - i really just from my experience on youtube.

I have to think that it has gotten above that threshold, and that is comment spam, so really any recently uploaded video you go to on youtube by a relatively active creator. You will undoubtedly come across comments with duplicate names and profile. Pictures like this thanks for watching message right away. I have something for you.

Thanks for the feedback, expect more videos very soon send direct message. I have something for you. Congratulations: you've been selected amongst our shortlisted winners and they're, usually the first or only reply on a lot of the most recent and most popular comments on any video doesn't really matter what the comment is about: they'll figure, if you're leaving a comment, you're engaged enough to See it and fall for it and their goal is to get you off of youtube onto a telegram message or whatsapp message now, if you're thinking well, damn that's stupid, that's obviously not going to work. It's clearly fake! Well, that's what i would think too, but i started getting emails and tweets.

First, it was like one email a day or someone once would tweet at me, and then it was two a day or three a day, and then it was several every day now, at this point every day i wake up to at least a dozen new emails Of people sending me screenshots of conversations, they think they've had with me just checking to make sure they sent the money to the right place or whether or not the paypal payment went through. These people are claiming to have a giveaway prize ready to ship and they just need you to pay one or 200 bucks for shipping, and, if that's just the people who have thought to email me, imagine how many other people are falling for this and not emailing Me that i'm not seeing like that is a serious bummer and the crazy part to me is you would think the comment section would be this precious priority for youtube, because it's such a unique feature of the site. This is one of the only places that you can facilitate real conversations between the creators and the audience between you and i it's what makes youtube youtube. Like i remember back when i started on youtube, i had email notifications turned on for everything, so every new comment and every new subscriber i got an email for it and i would reply to every single comment on every single video for years.
Actually, but this was my portal into the community now these days. Obviously i can't reply to everything, but i do still try to spend a lot of time in the comments section and talking to people, but i end up spending most of my time blocking channels of people trying to scam my audience out of money and keep in Mind this is just the spam flavor of the moment, like these spammers, like any other bad actors, are always going to try to adapt and evolve and be as effective as possible all the time so like on my channel, if i'm doing a giveaway or even if I'm not they'll know they can slip in and talk about, like maybe doing a tech giveaway, but on jacksepticeye's channel. He just did a video about a month ago talking about how commenters will try to get you to go to their adult sites with just copying and pasting, another highly rated comment and then just getting a bunch of bots to upvote it to the top linus made A video this year on comment spam. His channel gets plenty of crypto stuff along with pc, related giveaways, and you can imagine on any mr beast, video or any channels in that cinematic universe.

There's just going to be money, giveaway spam, there's just so much spam and with the number of places, the number of channels that i've seen this comment spam running rampant on, i feel like it has to be associated with some level of negative sentiment of just a Bad feeling of spending time in the youtube comments section so now there are moderation tools that youtube has built to help, keep comments and check right, they've, gotten better over time. There's an automatic spam filter that does a pretty decent job and catches a lot of stuff, and just recently, this button to hide user from channel will actually work retroactively, so it'll block the channel, but then also remove all the comments they've ever made on any of My videos, but i've spent a lot of time doing this and the more time you spent trying to keep up with the spam. The more you realize that not enough is being done so now, youtuber theo, joe, you might have heard of him - he's made an open source tool that will scan for spam comments and is much better than youtube at identifying all of them, and just on my last Video alone, out of around 6 000 comments scanned. It found that nearly 2 000 of them were identified as spam.
2. 000. Spam comments. Look, i don't know how bad something has to get to get on youtube's radar to cross that threshold.

But if 30 of the comments on my new video are spam, that's just not a good look. So, okay, what should be done? That's the real question right uh and i think there are two things. One is a community built solution and two is a youtube built solution, but only one of those things actually exists effectively right now, so the community built solutions can actually put a dent in things by users that are active and and going through and doing this type Of stuff all the time so that tool by theo, joe that i mentioned earlier - it's multi-platform it works on windows and on mac. And if you plug in your youtube info, you can purge youtube comments.

According to its much more accurate filters and criteria, which is super helpful for creators that implement it, i am definitely going to try it and then other people can download it and run other videos through it to mass report comments on other videos and other channels. Now that doesn't delete those comments, but hopefully the mass reporting of these types of comments can help train youtube's automatic filters to more effectively remove them. Will it actually work? I don't know, but i promise you no matter how good these community built solutions get. Nothing can touch the effectiveness of youtube building a fix themselves, and we know that to be true, because the community built solutions are amazing and the problem's still here so youtube has to do something about it.

Now i'm not expert, but i have been on youtube longer than i haven't been on youtube crazy to say that so looking at these youtube comments, even though these are all pretty obviously spam comments to me clearly they're getting through the spam detection filter that youtube's built. So a comment moderation tool to nuke them all would be the ideal right now. Like i mentioned earlier, they steal the uploader's profile picture to try to be convincing, but then they also make literally dozens of accounts really quickly so blocking one of them and hiding all of their past activity from the channel which works. It only works for one set of spam comments that one spam account left on.

My last video alone, like i said tons of spam, there's almost 40 different accounts leaving comments, and each one of them has left anywhere from 1 to 111 spam comments. So as of right now, you can already block certain words from appearing in the body of a youtube comment. So if somebody leaves a comment with a certain word in it, it will just not show up, and that makes a lot of sense. It works for like if someone tries to put an address or your phone number or an offensive word or any number of things that may be part of the spam flavor of the moment that you can just nix right in the bud.
That's super useful but, like i said, these bots are smart or at least the people making them are they're already adapting to that by cramming as much information as they can into the username now. So not just the body of the spam comment itself. So the best solution i can think of right now would be for youtube to let us ban words from user names so that right off the bat i can just ban anyone who tries to use my name in their own username. It's the easiest way to stop.

Impersonation type spam from occurring - and i know it might sound, messy or brute force - and you might be concerned about innocent users getting caught in the crossfire, hey. What? If someone has the same name as me, but listen. This is the same company that saw a fraction of users getting dislike, brigaded and decided to turn off dislikes for the entire site. So to me, this tool seems to be not that bad and who knows maybe someday in the future.

Youtube's ai will get advanced enough. That, if you make a brand new account with the same profile, picture and name as the person whose videos you're commenting on and then leave a hundred comments in an hour that it'll trip something and it'll recognize it as spam and delete it. But in the meantime, a psa myself and other creators will never ask you for money or for a shipping address or to dms on telegram, and if we do have a giveaway going out, we have verified accounts and will never message you from any other account. So if you click on an account - and it doesn't go to our channel - that's a pretty good sign.

Okay, that's it for now youtube get on it! That's it thanks for watching catch, you guys, the next one peace.


15 thoughts on “Youtube needs to fix this”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fui says:

    What if YouTube limited accounts to one comment thread. Replies don't count as threads. How many people actually leave more than one comment anyway? This would limit one initially visible comment (before having clicked the view replies button) per spam account.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peta Thompson says:

    Thing is that I am sure that the effects of that is larger actually because you are not the only account with that problem. If anything, I think they just don't know how to prevent this

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anibal Perez says:

    Youtube doesn't care
    In their eyes all comments, even the scam ones are viewed as engagement and YouTube cares more abut selling adds to the useless add agencies
    YouTube is becoming worse than broadcast TV

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt_Dylan says:

    YT are as Corrupt as the Biden regime and as full of shit as Zelinsky and the lie of the 'poor Ukraine' narrative. wise up and get on GAB and Odyssee . YT is about to become the Myspace of videostreaming platforms

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E-ric says:

    Thanks, Mr. Brownlee for addressing this issue. I feel like YouTube could and should fix this. The continual spam comments detract from the quality and security of the platform.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Camelotsmoon says:

    Lmao, I was just thinking about the comment spam the otherday when I commented on one of your videos. I get a ton of them in livestreams myself too… I restream on twitch, youtube and trovo, and twitch is sooo much better at getting rid of the spam (I rarely get them from twitch), but youtube I get at least a half a dozen in 5-7 hours streaming; trovo obviously isn't worth spamming on, so I get none there.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Gifford says:

    The comment section is a cesspool. I rarely comment anymore cause it tends to remove actual comments but leave spam, it's so disheartening. I also want the ability to hide and report a creator and their content or hide a creators content cause you're disinterested. We need a way to block and hide people ourselves because YouTube is notoriously slow.
    It's gotten so bad that I spend my entire time in the comment section reporting spam and not actually posting comments.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Molham zorro says:

    after i have seen so much bots everywhere , i think the own companies they do this trick for manipulation investors reports , by we growing 5 million more this month ,,,bla bla bla . and its just bots and spams

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars German bat testicle collector says:

    Theyโ€™ve tried to bait me on your videos, I commented on a DJI video and they tried 3 or 4 different times. Itโ€™s obscene. YouTube REALLLYYY needs to do something about It.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CriticalGamer says:

    Does YouTube not have a verification process when making an account? They should force you to verify with an email or more specifically a phone number, especially if youโ€™re making multiple accounts on one IP

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spytagen says:

    Commercial Bots aren't the only problem. when I was twelve a bot commented on all my videos that were all supportive. they were often the only comment. It was in reality a trick to get people to subscribe, and after getting enough they would sell the channel to the highest bidder so the buyer would already start with a subscriber base. they are also a much more niche problem.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gene Waddle Random Stuff says:

    I know that you can't personally go through all of the comments, but it seems your channel is big enough that you could hire a moderator to go through them because that would be there job. It isn't a perfect system but I think it would work until YT puts something together. I am a moderator on a channel and have been able to take those comments out pretty effectively.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JordanDitz says:

    The fact that these tech companies like Google, Facebook, twitter, Microsoft, etc canโ€™t keep bots from spamming comments goes to show how far behind Apple these companies really are. I dare you to find โ€œspamโ€ on Apple forums.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hori says:

    I think this is a time that the community needs to come together. Linus made a video on Thiojoe's bot remover. If everyone keeps removing the bots together, we could fix this problem. iirc

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars juzao1000 says:

    I feel like if you fall for this types of scams it's kinda your own fault… We aren't talking about elderly people who are not very tech savy, Marque's audience is mostly made of young people who really should know better

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