I have a theory about this generative AI
The full song: https://youtu.be/y7r6PAkFRfU
MKBHD Merch: http://shop.MKBHD.com
Tech I'm using right now: https://www.amazon.com/shop/MKBHD
Playlist of MKBHD Intro music: https://goo.gl/B3AWV5


Foreign. So I have a theory and I don't know what to call this or if I should name it or anything. But here's my theory. So the really impressive part about artificial intelligence is that as it gets better and better, it feels more and more like human intelligence, right? Which is why we use that word to the point where it can actually pass for human intelligence in some cases.

like it passes tests, it solves problems, it finds patterns, it mimics things, and so it can actually kind of fool you into thinking it's intelligent. And so now we have this generative AI that can be trained on massive data sets and spit out unique outputs that are increasingly impressive. Now to be clear, AI like artificial intelligences that have been better at humans at some things that's been around for a while, Like that was kind of the point. Actually, they could comb through large amounts of data and find patterns that humans never would like, literally detect disease in its earliest stage of development better than an actual doctor.

So AI has already been useful. But where it's generative AI that we're talking about where we're asking AI to be creative and come up with new things. New text, new images, new sounds. That's what I'm talking about.

That's the scary one. So my theory my theory is there are two levels of success of efficiently. Advanced AI The first level is when AI generated content fools you because you weren't paying attention to AI or like looking for AI So maybe you like me, saw the Pope photo on your timeline a couple days ago and like just kept scrolling. You just thought oh, that's a weird picture of the Pope kind of a cool jacket I guess but only when you get told that it's Ai and not a real picture does it trigger your skeptical eye and suddenly you're like oh, that's obviously not a real picture.

There's so many things wrong. the hands look weird, the details are garbled. Of course it's a fake picture. but the second level of AI generated content fooling you is when you know you're supposed to be looking at AI and it still fools you.

That's when it gets scary. So we've had a couple examples of the like. Level one instances like the Pope photo like I mentioned, there have been others floating around like there was one of like Trump getting arrested even though he didn't But what's level two I Got an email a couple weeks ago from an artist you may be familiar with Mr Jay Maderos wanna have Alta and veinsil and they had a new track that they were working on which was a collab where he wraps alongside Jay-Z except the Jay-Z voice is not real, it's AI generated and they were going back and forth on like how to release this, whether or not they should release it at all like I want you to listen to this like not the whole thing I'll play a little bit of it for you. You should still go to the source and absolutely watch the original video.

I'll link it below. but I just needed to hear this and feel what I felt when I first heard this song. They can never become what they aspire to. Born in a cell with no one who can inspire you, your hazard was never as high as it was a lie to you, pretending that they live in the sky, lying behind your roof, shooting hoes up at your ceiling.
So for those of you who know what Jay-Z sounds like, that was absurd. Like that sounded a lot like Jay-Z To the point where even knowing that I'm listening to AI generated content I can still hear it and sort of enjoy it like I'm actually listening to Jay-Z It's a lot. Now to be clear. Mr Jamie Jones told me they wrote those lyrics before the AI tools became available and the tools I used weren't even Plug and Play Perfect like there were still lots of layers to it, tweaking things, experimenting with different methods.

Apparently, words like feeling and sealing and appealing were like hard to get it to rhyme because they'd pronounced it slightly differently so they ran it through a bunch of times. But the fact that it's still so good in the final result, that's what opens up the can of worms. It's kind of borderline scary knowing how good it actually is just knowing that I'm listening to Ai and still enjoying it like it's Bars by Jay-Z And the cherry on top is that this is the worst this technology will ever be. So there's examples of level One everywhere.

Like low stakes content where it passes because the audience isn't really looking for AI and it doesn't really matter like it's true of a lot of the chatbot stuff too like Chachi PT and Bard and all the others like Bing. They might write an email. you might read an email that seems pretty sincere, but turns out most of it was written by one of those chat Bots and it's kind of fine because it's just an email, but just keep in mind that the goal of all of these Technologies is to advance to get to level two like the goal of the chat bot eventually. When it gets better, is to be able to pass as a human in conversation.

What does that mean? and the goal of the the image generator is to be able to produce usable paintings or drawings or whatever like a human. What does that mean? The goal of self-driving cars is to drive alongside other humans on the road. and that's wild. but that's that's what they're all working towards.

So is there a solution to this? I Mean the answer really is not yet. It's so new that there is no answer. Some people think regulation, some people think, uh, just outright. Banning It is an option.

I Don't really believe in that. but I Think what's going to have to happen is there probably has to be some sort of a parallel development of tools that are specifically designed to detect AI content so that you need to learn to deploy those tools when there's a reason to detect. AI But for now, let's enjoy level one because you won't have just that for much longer. Thanks for watching catch you in the next one.
Peace Savage.


17 thoughts on “This voice is entirely ai…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andre Sirob says:

    This is good till it’s used to frame you for something you didn’t do

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Shopshire Jr says:

    Pass a law requiring AI expressions to be identified as such, with catastrophic consequences for the producers/publishers if they don't comply.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yaksha13 says:

    Gamers getting flashback of the green ending in Mass Effect 3 (i.e. synthesis)

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Developing Lafayette says:

    I'm honestly waiting to see a new MKBHD video only to be told at the end that it was entirely generated via Ai by the actual MB at the end.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Kirby says:

    You know something bad is about to happen when MKBHD makes a new video about A.I

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skeletox Gaming says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TuberNinja says:

    The genie is out of the bottle. Hold on to your hats!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Martin says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sainath Krishnamurthy says:

    This video is def gonna get on Jay's radar

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maneesh Deva says:

    wait till level 3. game ova

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B J says:

    It's like we're developing a poison without working on an antidote!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NOJAY says:

    EMPOWERMENT BY AI VS BEING OVERPOWERED BY IT I think good regulation and criticism of these technologies will be very useful to enable it to benefit us all in a meaningful way. Just my 2 cents

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars temskee says:

    I guess zuckerberg is right we will be living in the metaverse soon

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MuraliYT says:

    Marques is that really google apps working in the huawei phones

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrGTAmodsgerman says:

    Maybe it just need an law that forces people to have everything they do that is created with AI, to be transparently marked as that. And if not, they have to face consequences that are not to be ignored. So a meaningful law. Also asking people for permissions, unless huge problems. Like if you reupload someone songs without permission, you know what could happend.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asif Iqbal says:

    I remember back in days when virus was design to corrupt our PC's and the Anti virus was designed to protect them. Now A.I will be used by some genius people with bad intention which will open up business opportunities for lot of companies to develop anti A.I tool….!!! seems like multi billion dollars business ahead …!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars No light, no water, no late night snacking. says:

    plot twist: this video wasn't actually put out my Marquez. It's just level 2 AI trying to calm us monkeys down.

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