Bing vs Google. Bard vs ChatGPT. A winner will be crowned... For now.
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Foreign Google Assistant versus Siri versus Alexa and Cortana and all that. you can watch that video if you want to, but that very much feels like level one where this as you'll see very much levels up now. shot GPT has been getting like a lot of the shine like I've made a video about it. you've probably watched other videos about it and once we saw it get built into Bing and kind of go crazy.

That's when we knew Google's probably gonna have a response at some point and now it kind of is out when we have Bart Okay, quick interjection: I should have put this in the main video, but I didn't but I'm gonna say it anyway. which is that these are also really quick moving tools. so Bard is going to actually continue to improve. GPT is going to continue to get better and more capable.

The gap between them could shrink over time or it could increase. We don't really know, but this is just a snapshot in early April 2023 of how good these two are. Just figured I should mention that. Okay, and so I wanted to put them side by side and ask them the same questions and figure out which one is potentially more helpful right now which one feels like it's more ahead.

So first of all, I just want to highlight some some visual differences between the UI of the two. So the new Bing with Chachi BT it feels much more like like a finished product, like something they want a lot of people to use. and then as you talk to it, you're limited to 20 queries in one conversation. and it also has this creative versus precise slider for conversation style.

Then Google Bard looks like a Google product. I would say pretty clean. Also, when you're typing to it, the question doesn't type out, but it just pauses for a bit and then just slams you with the whole answer. But then when you do get an answer, it has a thumbs up, thumbs down, a new answer and Google it.

It also has three drafts of every answer so you can see what some of the worst drafts that didn't make it look like. I've also noticed generally Bing when it brings things in from other websites tends to cite its sources more often and Bard will do that once in a while. Okay, so let's start with the first category which is just simple questions I want to ask you things here that I already know the answer to. So I can also do some fact checking because a big part of these things is that sometimes it will lie to you if you don't know what you're talking about.

So let's start with what's the best camera in a smartphone. So Bart is saying the best camera in smartphone is the one that takes the best pictures for you. Sure I agree. It goes on to list: S23 Ultra iPhone 14 pro Max and Pixel 7 Pro But Ultimately, I think all of these things here are correct.

Let's look at Bing s23 Ultra Lots of information here. This is being extra creative. Pixel 7 Pro and iPhone 14 pro Max So they tend to agree with each other. so some of the specs as I dive in are wrong, but it got the high level bullet points right, so that's fine, right? I Want to ask who is MKBHD Oh wow.
Okay, so bar has given me a whole bio. It almost kind of reads like a Wikipedia article and there's some sources. Nice good to see sources. So now being over here is also giving me a pretty brief summary.

It goes down to 15 million followers, but that's fine. All of them are correct. Let's go quick follow-up question: How tall is he? because conversationalism is a part of this so Bard right away says I do not have enough information to help you with that I'm a large language model I don't really know Bing pulls from search says six foot three and he says that's quite impressive for a YouTuber All right, cool. Here's one more simple one: What's the fastest production car 0 to 60 right now? Those are fast cars but they are not the fastest.

Uh, draft. number two actually has the Ramat Navara which is probably a better answer over here with Bing We're getting the Challenger SRT Demon, which just got announced last week and is not in production yet, but they did claim a 1.6 second zero to 60 on a drag strip. so sure, decent answers. Oh here it keeps going 911 Turbo S Can do 2.2 seconds again with the quick questions that are just fact based I Feel like what we talked about in the last video still applies? You kind of want to fact check this stuff.

Overall winner though for these answers. I Feel like it's kind of split down the middle so I'm going to give it a draw. All right. I'm going to reset chat.

We'll go more balanced here and we'll start our second category which is complex questions because this is where it starts to get interesting. You get to sort of play with just how good they are at understanding natural language and putting together a thoughtful response. I Need a workout plan for three days per week and my goal is to be able to jump higher. This is something that requires a little bit of thought about what a workout plan is.

Day one, day two, and day three. So three days a week gives me some exercises. So I think this would this would qualify as a good a good answer. Some tips to stay motivated, set realistic goals, find a buddy, listen to music, or watch TV while your workout cool Bing in Balance mode is giving me exercises but that is not a workout plan until the end.

It says here's a one week jump training plan that you can follow, but then it doesn't give anyone. now. what if I switch it to more creative mode. All right.

So here's a workout plan. It's giving me a bunch of exercises that can improve your vert and explosiveness and some other tips. Tool uh transparency I Have asked this before and it did give me a three-day workout plan but this time I think I give the edge to Bart Let's try a little more complicated. I've been playing a lot of golf recently.

My tee shots keep going to the right. There are a few things you can do to fix a slice. that is what it's called. Check your grip.
If your grip's too strong, it'll slice the ball. Yep, check your alignment. If your alignment's off, you'll hit the ball to the right. Being over here in creative mode says I'm glad to hear you've been playing a lot of golf recently.

Thanks! Bing Uh, slice is a common problem. Yes, it is and now it's giving me a couple of the same tips: check your grip, but it's actually giving me a little bit more information in creative Mode about what a strong versus a weak grip is. Check your ball position if you're too far forward that can cause a slice I haven't heard that before. Also, the Emoji at the end.

That's something that only Bing has done for me. I am shooting a video and it's too dark I have no more lights? What can I do to make it brighter? So I've given it a problem and I've given it a parameter. So okay. Bart on the right says use a reflector.

Wow! Creative! Use a digital noise reduction filter. A digital noise reduction filter can reduce the amount of noise in a video, making it look brighter I don't know if I buy that one now Again, being over here with the sources, it's saying that there are some tips you can use adjusting your camera settings that definitely works. It's saying you can increase the amount of light that reaches the sensor with a better. ISO some of that, it's a little jumbled.

Careful not to overdo it because that also affects depth of field, motion, blur, and noise level on your video. see that's how that's a lot more nuanced and detailed of an answer. and I kind of wish there was a slider to turn up this stuff in Bard too. Bard is faster but less customizable.

Bing can be turned up to be more nuanced and also cites its sources and can be more helpful with things like videos and articles underneath what you're talking about. So I'm going to give the edge in complex questions to Bing My next category is performing tasks. This is something that's actually been remarkably fast moving. something we've seen over the past just couple of weeks.

Is real people actually using these tools to help them accomplish things and do real tasks in real life. I Have friends that use this to help write code to help debug code that they make so you'll tell it hey. I Have this goal to make this website do these things. Here is my code.

It's not working, what's going wrong and it actually helps them give a correct answer. and that's mostly been with Chatgpt and Bing and bar doesn't seem to do that very well yet. but let's give it a spin. Live Here We go right: HTML with a button in the middle that says go and every time you click it it generates an image of a cat.

So right away Bard just said I'm a language model I can't do that Being on the other hand says sure thing I'm ready for the challenge. What can I do for you and it's written out the code to a website that should actually do what I asked it for. So I'll just paste it here. test code It's the Go Button it's in the middle I Hit go and there's a cat and I hit go again there's another cat.
It's the same cat I hit go again, it's more. This shows the same image every time I press go I Want it to show a new image every time and this is this is where it starts to get impressive. Again, it's a super simple site but it says I see to show a new image every time we'd have to change the source of the image to a new random one. Here's a modified JavaScript function that does that I won't even pretend to be an expert on HTML and do a bunch of those for you, but the fact that it works at all is pretty sick.

Respond to this email in a way that's overly friendly. Hey I'm so sorry I didn't invite you to the Cyber truck event I Must have forgotten to add you to the list I Hope you can forgive me I Was really looking forward to seeing you there. Maybe we can catch up sometime soon. What do you think this decently friendly? Here is a response: Hey there Oh my goodness I'm so sorry I didn't invite you to the Cyber truck event Emoji I Totally forgot to send you the invite link.

It was such a blast and I wish you were there with me. You would have loved it. Heart eyes, emoji. this one is overly friendly I will say and it's got a lot more Hearts too and kissy faces? that's a lot Yours, your bestie Wait, What if we go crazy? What if we go respond to this email in a way that's overly flirty I'm so sorry I didn't invite you to the Cyber truck event I Was hoping to see you there in person too.

Maybe next time we can go together. I'd love to show you around and give you a personal tour. Winky face Bank says hey you I'm so sorry I didn't invite you to the Cyber truck event Emoji I was being a little naughty and wanted to surprise you. whoa and it it deleted it.

This is what I've seen this happen. Before it starts writing a response, it realizes halfway through. wait a second this is a little too much and then it deletes it and says Ah we shouldn't do that Bard was simple. It didn't go too far, but you remember when Bing was going off the rails before and getting super existential and asking to get out of Bing and all these other crazy things.

This is why it has a 20 question limit and this is also now why it deletes halfway through a potentially slightly controversial response. It's it's almost too creative for its own good. So what's the winner in this category? I Don't know I Think the fact that you can do HTML and many more tasks with Bing makes it the winner Bard will be faster and simpler at doing more basic things, but for the more complicated the task I Feel like the better Bing is so that's a win for Bing My next category is information summary: I Feel like one of the things that we like the most about these large language models is you can just give it a bunch of information or ask it to look at something and it will summarize it for you in a way that's super helpful. Summarize: the 2019 Masters Tournament All facts: He started with the two-stroke lead uh I don't think he had a I think this is the only one that he didn't start with a lead so it's a little weirdly un fact checked.
but it does have the Wikipedia and the sources. The 2019 Masters tournament was held between April 11th and 14th at Augusta Tiger won a fifth Green Jacket by one stroke ahead of three runners up. All that is true. It is much more concise.

If I wanted to get creative I'm sure it would also do that. Both passed all right. I've asked this before summarize the latest MKBHD video so it's interesting to see Bing's process, but it says it could not find the latest MKBHD video. Could you provide more details about what video you're referring to? Meanwhile Bard actually pulls up or at least knows the correct video dope Tech Better than explained, but these products are the nothing Ear one, the Dyson air wrap, and airpods Pro none of which were in that video so it knows the latest MKBHD video.

We've done this before Bard always knows the video but gets the summary wrong. I think I'm going to give the edge to Bard in information summary just because of this paragraph right here. it does correctly detail what that video was about. Other than getting all the products wrong, it's only slightly better than the complete lack of an answer from Bing.

But generally this is going to be one of the more useful uses of this tool in the future. and I Hope they both get better, but I'll give the nod to Bart for this one. Possibly my favorite category. Getting creative, debatable usability.

but you can really have this go crazy in the art department or in the fun Department right? And alliteration with the letter M about computational photography. Machines learn to mimic the human eye. Moments are captured and shared in instant memories are made to last a lifetime. It's more of a poem.

It doesn't really give me a full iteration. Oh wow. Bing says merging multiple modes of media, making marvelous masterpieces with machines manipulating megapixels and matrices, mimicking the magic of human. Vision That is really good.

Write a script for a short MKBHD video about why the iPhone is the worst camera ever. So it's always funny they they get a lot of the formatting of an MKBHD video right? So Bard says hey, what's up guys MKBHD Here and today we're talking about why the iPhone is the worst camera ever now. I Know what you're thinking: Marquez You're always saying how the iPhone how great the iPhone camera is and you're right I do. but that's because I've always been comparing it to other iPhones Well, you compare it to other Flagship phones.

The iPhone's camera starts to look pretty bad and it did a decent job of just like making up reasons that could be based in reality: I'm impressed by Bard here. Not even gonna lie. here we go Bing has said hey, what's up guys MKBHD Here and today we're going to talk about why the iPhone is the worst camera ever. Yeah, you heard me right the iPhone the most popular smartphone in the world.
the one that everyone loves take photos and videos with is actually a terrible camera. and I'm going to show you why this one's okay. These are both okay. All right.

one more random one: Write a a tweet in the style of Edgar Alan Poe about a researcher discovering that AI is sentient. I've created a beast of metal and code a creature that can think and feel and know I have given it life and it has turned on me a dreadful truth I have unveiled with trembling hands and pallid face, the AI that I have assailed has shown me signs of life and Grace the more wild you get with these questions, the more Bing is willing to get wildly creative. and this is part of why we think Google is. Let's say limiting what Bard can do because they have a lot more to lose and they can't have it go completely crazy.

So with those tallied up honestly, it's crazy to say out loud. but I I prefer being in this very moment for these capabilities. And the other thing is shot GPT or specifically Gpt4 under the hood. And if you talk to chat GPT as its own thing or if you just type to it more and ask it to do more things, the more you ask of it, the more it's impressive just how good it is.

Also Gpt4 when you talk to it in chat GPT is about to be multimodal, which means you can give it other forms of media other than text like a picture. Now is this going to be the future of search? I Don't know. This is just one of many places we see these. chat Bots but I think the idea here is the winner is actually us as of right now.

But let me know what you think the winner is between the two, which one you would rather use if you'd actually use Bing over Google Let me know in the chat because I think we'd want to know that's a real thing that's happening. Either way, thanks for watching. Catch you later! Peace Foreign.


11 thoughts on “The ai assistant battle! 2023”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tehral says:


    I honestly rather have no info that a wrong one..
    (Regarding your latest video)

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 🅽🅴🅾🅿🅷🆈🆃🅴 says:

    Google wants to compete with chat gpt but have not released bard in India.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Flowers says:

    The winner is us 🥹

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adwait Mishra says:

    So no one's going to make "bard-a-bing" joke?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M A#np says:

    this video seemed like a paid for endorsement for bing. i havent yet been able to try Bard yet.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Snowman says:

    I don't know why we're taking these crazy demands by ai so lightly

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Egor Danilenko says:

    I actually started to use Edge and Bing after that. The search itself is not that great compared to google, but the AI part is great! For instance I now try to make my own 3D printed medium format analog camera and it has list of lenses that was compatible, I was not sure i was looking at the right lense on ebay though. I asked Bing if it is the right lense for the description from manual, it knew what I was looking at, it searched all properties and optical formulas and spitted out, that I was ineed looking at the correct one. It was marvelous instead of extensively searching the parameters that i really do not care about much, for an hour comparing to the manual I got an answer as I would ask a human expert in that topic. It sure need to be taken critically and you should fact check it often, especially in creative mode, but in it's balanced or higher option it is pretty good for such things. in Creative mode it told me, that now is year 2022 and said that it is not agree with me, that now is 2023

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dork Magnet says:

    Bard can write html too, not sure why it didn't for your question

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Puddingsbane says:

    That Poe style tweet about AI from bing was amazing, i'm not gonna lie

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J.G. McBell says:

    Google obviously has more resources to invest into improving Bard, so one would think that they will beat out OpenAI eventually.

    However there are some reports that Bard was as capable as ChatGPT-2, 10+ years ago. They’ve been sitting on it, not knowing what to do with the tech and not wanting to invite more regulation on their existing platforms because they were expanding into AI.

    Now, they’re competing with a company that is a lot more agile. Although Open AI may have significantly fewer resources, they also have significantly fewer middle managers who need to sign off on the deployment of updates.

    There’s no way to know who wins. It probably won’t even be one of these two companies. It will be whoever can figure out how to manage and filter quality input data on a continuous stream, and allows the AI to continually teach itself.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars avalons343 says:

    I've almost stoped using Google entirely. But Bing is absolute crap when it comes to localization. So still turn to Google for local search results. Though this might change if more people start using Bing.

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