Here I'll show you how to enable and install extensions in the latest version of Safari 5.0
Safari Extensions Gallery:
Extensions Here:
Safari Extensions Gallery:
Extensions Here:
Who's watching in 2020?
My Chrome Extensions:
-Buffer App
-Google Tasks
-Weather Underground (Full screen)
Liked your page and thought to say hi!
@WillKnowsTech Firefox 3.6.
@Madkillr05 I
@marquesbrownlee Chrome hangs a lot for me …so i switched to safari which is really good 🙂
That would be me.
thanks so much wait it takes up about half am?
i dont get it sorry can u say like an hour or something like that
i wanted to ask you about how long does it take of one of your awesome HD videos to render
and one more thing
do videos keep on rendering if u say like sleep your computer or hibernate it?
@marquesbrownlee Its really very easy and quite smooth in camtasia studio 7 but your videos are greater than just the pans and zooms 🙂
Safari 5 rocks to oblivion…atleast make a tut how to make the intro …its damn cool
You have such professional filming and editing on your videos. Great Tutorials!
What I like about Marquesbrownlee's videos is that he uses the zoom-n-pan very professionally THUMBS UP IF YOU THIBK MKBHD IS AWESOME
@marquesbrownlee Never mind, for the second time i chose save the extension and after that run it and install it. In the first time i just run it directly and install without save the extension. Now is OK. Thx
After restart safari the extension disappear from bar!!! You must install them again
@marquesbrownlee Lhh, yep! Search why tabs on top firefox 4. The video will come up.