The gaming phones are refining themselves into bona fide daily supercars. And it should, for €1,299
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Phone provided by Asus for review.

Right what's up mkbhd here. So this is the rg phone. 6. Pro.

I i just want to start off just by reading you the specs of this phone i'm holding in my hand right. Here. Okay so it has a 68. Inch.

165. Hertz amoled display. It's got a second oled screen on the back. Too.

Uh. Snapdragon. 8. Plus.

Gen 1. Chip which has cores running at 32. Gigahertz. 18 gigabytes of ram 6 000.

Milliamp hour battery with 65 watt fast charging dual front facing stereo speakers triple cameras. Including a 50 megapixel. Main camera and uh two usb c. Ports and a headphone jack thanks for watching now this phone's specs are ridiculous and they're ridiculous.

Because it's a gaming phone and with a lot of these gaming phones in the past few years. You could really say they were focused on one true goal to just be as great for gaming as possible. But with the latest generations you can kind of tell they actually have two goals now to be incredible with gaming and to also be really great to live with as a daily driver. Luckily a lot of what makes a phone great for gaming also makes it great for using in everything else.

But there are still definitely some challenges as you'll see in a second it's kind of like how sports cars back in the day. Notoriously used to be you know super difficult to drive tough manual gearbox really harsh ride great for some high performance fun. But you wouldn't want to drive it every single day like that and so in that analogy the rog phone is like a porsche 911 where it's taking the high performance stuff. But it's also easier to daily drive at least.

It would like to be a porsche 911. So as far as performance goes as crazy as it sounds. There's really not that much to say here. This is now the fastest phone.

I've ever used not even on paper. But just as far as pure responsiveness and feeling like my every touch and input is immediately responded to this sets. The benchmark now for me i drag my finger across the display. And everything moves about as perfectly one to one as i've ever seen scrolling animations opening up apps multitasking all that stuff.

It's just crazy. Fast. It's the new chip of course snapdragon 8. Plus.

Gen. 1. But also this is now the fastest screen. I've ever used the 165hz display.

And it's running with a 720 hertz touch sampling rate that's double last year. Which brings the touch latency down to 23 milliseconds. So you really notice things just. Follow your finger around the screen being super tight and everything being real snappy across the board.

You know if it's synthetic benchmarks you care about here. They are they'll show you it is slightly more powerful and also slightly more power efficient than the snapdragon. 8. Gen.

1. And technically still behind the iphone 13. But i'm telling you right now nine times out of ten the rog feels faster than anything else and then even with the little stuff this phone just. Goes all the way to the max for.
Performance it has ufs 31 storage. It has lpddr5 ram instead of ddr3 uh it even has wi fi 6e any spec that you can think of at the very max this phone has it so i don't even have to be a hardcore gamer or a pub g. Enthusiast or anything to understand that if you throw a game at this phone it's probably gonna be able to handle it so i'm gonna leave the gaming testing to the gaming enthusiast. But then what about all the time that you're not gaming.

That's probably even more time than when you actually do play games. On the phone. How does the sports car drive when it's not on the track spoiler alert. Pretty good.

There is 18 gigs of ram in this phone. Like i said do you really need 18 gigs of ram to play a single game. No i don't think so i think that's for the headline. But lots of ram does help with multitasking.

So i find myself using the phone flipping back and forth between five or six open apps. Easy it keeps up no problem keeps them all open. This is also the best display yet on a gaming phone not just in refresh rate. But in brightness and overall quality.

They keep getting better. This is a samsung built amoled panel that they've tuned to be really really fast. But it's still got improvements in color accuracy. It's hdr10 plus certified.

And it gets up to 800 nits. It's not quite flagship levels. But very usable outdoors and in most environments. The haptics are way better.

This is one of the things that was bad in the last phone. But they turned the haptics all the way up they've got a new motor in here. And so anytime. You're scrolling or typing or bouncing back and forth on things you really feel the clicky.

It's good. It's good haptic motor and the under display fingerprint reader. Which also was bad on the last phone is much faster so it seems like asus was at least listening about the stuff. We were nitpicking about in the last rog phone for daily use you've probably also noticed triple cameras on the back just like the rog 5.

These are passable cameras. So they have a new 50 megapixel primary camera like i said in here. It's giving me decent images to their credit. Asus.

Usually has pretty good software tuning from my experience. But i'm getting b minus to b. Plus pictures in good lighting. It's just not very consistent with exposure or contrast.

So some of them look fine. Some of them just like flat and a little overexposed to give you an idea. This is a sony imx 766 sensor. The same one you see in phones like the oppo find x3 and the oneplus nord 2t.

Both of which are under 600 bucks. They're probably not buying this gaming phone for the cameras. But at least for the money you'd like it to be able to keep up with the other premium priced flagship phones out there. And it's just just a level behind.

It's nipping at their heels. Matter of fact. Let's just get it all in one place. Now so.
If you were thinking about getting a phone like this and these following things don't scare you off. Then it might be a good phone for you ready so. The camera's definitely a weakness especially the camera layout choice like even if this primary camera is passable. I hate this camera layout.

It's a primary camera. Then a 13 megapixel ultra wide. Which is a little softer and worse whatever that's not a shock. But then the third camera is a macro camera instead of an ultra wide and it's not even a good macro camera.

So the cherry on top is they bury the macro mode like deep in the settings and like alternate photo modes. So you'll almost never actually use it but they do prominently have a 2x button right here in the normal viewfinder. Which is just a 2x crop on the main camera. You don't have a telephoto camera just put a telephoto camera there instead anyway so that's one then there's no wireless charging so they reoriented the rog vision display on the back of the phone.

It still does light up and play animations when the screen is on and when it's charging. When you have an incoming call or any other notifications. It's still super customizable and very unique to this phone. But it does mean.

There is no room on the back for wireless charging. So that's another thing and then there's just the sheer size of this phone like i say it every year. But it's like the biggest phone that i review and uh. It's not even it's not trying to be sleek at all they've kept the huge bezels around on the top and the bottom huge stereo front facing speakers in there it's thick.

But hey you know what it's a form factor. Where if you're gaming. A lot you spend a lot of time holding it in landscapes. So you're going to need some spots for your thumbs.

So you don't block the screen. When you're gaming. That's all good. It's got some extra thickness for extra cooling you got that extra usb port on the side that's good for charging the six thousand milliamp hour battery at up to 65 watts with the included charger.

So that's the double play of great battery life and very fast charging and a headphone jack. I mean. It's just asus and sony keeping headphone jacks around their premium phones at this point. But just you know all this stuff takes up space.

It's a big phone. So uh yeah. I also there's like little things like the ipx4. Water resistance rating.

Isn't quite up to flagships of this price might not matter to you unless you get really really sweaty. While gaming. I don't know but overall rog phone. 6.

Pro. At the top of the lineup is a great overall bump up from rog. 5. Ultimate that's what they're calling it so yeah.

It's a great high end super performance oriented phone wrapped in a cyberpunk package with text printed all over it uh and it happens to be a pretty good daily phone. Too if those couple of things don't get to you and you know there's still there's gonna be people always out there who want the crazy exotic mclaren or hardcore lamborghini stiff suspension real tight steering and handling and that's fine. But i guess the difference is in the car world people who get cars like that usually have a different car that they drive most of the time daily and then they have the fun car. But for a phone you typically just have one phone.
So you need it to do double duty. So i do think the softening of this gamer phone into a more palatable daily phone and more well rounded phone is a good thing so yeah props asus for that good looks either way that's been it thanks for watching make sure you subscribe. If you haven't already and i'll talk to you guys the next one peace.


14 thoughts on “Rog phone 6 pro review: daily driver material!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jiah says:

    I need this such a futuristic phone💫

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jetstream_Sam says:

    Can you do a review on a katana

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mstn FTW says:

    Ur just a kick back guy

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jenny Xie says:

    Isnt IMX 766 the same sensor The Blue & Green factory uses (example Oppo findx5 pro) for their flagship phone too? It's a good sensor, right?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Campos says:

    I've always wanted an Asus ROG phone but they simply just don't work on my carrier and are difficult to find. Also what are the storage sizes?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edward Sutherland says:

    Hope they've fixed the issue with the motherboard from frying

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BluMac says:

    It would be awesome if they’d make a tablet version of this phone

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anurag says:

    I did feel my ROG 3 & ROG 5 devices were getting old & slow

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars munu moses says:

    I think you don't like this phone at all… 🙂 your facial expressions ehhh …

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aditya Nayak says:

    You did a good review of this product. Now lets see Paul Allen's review.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Another number says:

    If you're Walter white you have 2 phones.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liquid Flames says:

    I'm surprised no one has put RGB LEDs around the edge of a phone yet like what is in every gaming computer. It seems that could be a really useful thing even if they don't go all the way around. I don't mean around the screen or the back. I mean put them on the same edge the power and volume are on.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DJAM says:

    I closed my debit card after the credit union has people who don't know about it coming soon a dumb chanel mine Grand kids have no camera ha my what samsung what ever demonitz mE

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dante Ice says:

    For the price it could have a better camera setup instead of that back led thing..
    Why do manufacturers use Wide – Ultrawide – Telephoto cameras?

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