How did we all get so hyperconnected? I’m taking a look at where it all started – the simple phone – and how things developed. How we went from answering machines to AOL messenger to Facetime. But I’m also taking a look at where it’s all going; and I’m looking at tech that will one day allow us to communicate telepathically.
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For most of my life, I've had devices at my fingertips that would allow me to get in touch with anyone anywhere at any time.. So it makes me think, have we already reached our futuristic dreams of hyperconnectivity And if not, ... ...? What could possibly lie ahead? I'm Marques Brownlee and I review dope new tech, but on this show I'm rewinding the clock to look at the tech of the past that we thought would be our future.. This is `` Retro Tech, Hyperconnectivity.'', Hey, what's up MKBHD here.

And today we're gon na be talking about communication technology or more specifically, hyperconnectivity., Instant communication. And the tech we're about to unbox. Today comes from 1984., I got no idea what this is., Let's find, out. Okay..

So this says `` Phone-Mate.'' `` Answering machine with beeper-less remote.'' Answering machine, Oh yeah., I remember answering machines. Every phone you've, probably ever owned, has always had voicemail.. But when you go back to the'80s, you had to build that and buy that. Pretty revolutionary.

When you put it that way., Let's see what's inside. Hey, Oh, you saved your voicemail on a cassette. Wow. That is definitely wood, but a lot of things had wood grain on them in the'70s, ,'80s, ,'90s, even., And then you have to open up in here..

That's where your cassette tapes go right there. I have a messages cassette for recording and your voicemail that everyone hears when they call you this side. Up. Uh tech has always been just a little finicky hasn't it `` Place the back edge of the telesette under the lip of the cassette tape.

Holder.'', That's what I've been doing. `` Press the front of the telesette downward until flat.''. That's what I've been doing.. Is there another lever somewhere Oh.

It should've been that easy. Tapes are in.. This is my first personalized outgoing message.. I got 26 seconds.

Got ta, be efficient.. Hi you've reached the Brownlee family.. We may or may not be home.. We'll hear this message when you leave it just leave your phone and name after the tone.

Marques' voice. Hi you've reached the Brownlee family.. We may or may not be home. We'll hear this message when you leave it just leave your phone and name after the tone..

Here's that friend you had where their voicemail was tricking. You into thinking. You were talking to a person., Hello, Hey how's, it going Marques voice, Hello, Sorry, speak up.! I can't hear you.. I was just say: --! Sorry, can you talk a littler louder? I didn't hear that., I was asking you --.

This is a voicemail. Feel free to leave your name and number at the tone. Got'em.. If you think about how far we've come with communication in the last 37 years, you have no choice but to think what do we have in the next 37 years of our future And how much further can we even go? Well, that's what we're here to find out so, let's get into it.

Welcome to `` Retro Tech.'' Thank you. First thing, I'm gon na ask you to do is check underneath your chair. Underneath my chair. Oh, this is what my dad was talking about..
This is the old joint.. Oh no, does this have a tape deck in it? Oh yeah., The lovely early'80s faux wood.. This is perfect. Marques, All right.

We can put it to the side and we can talk tech. If I zoom all the way out to the beginning of communication tech. How did this whole thing start? When you talk about the evolution of instant communication, you start with the telephone back in the day. Woman, Hello, The telephone was a game-changer.

People for the first time could actually have conversations with people who were not in the same room as them.. This was unheard of., But you had to kind of be tethered to that wall where it was plugged. In., Oh hello, And if you weren't home, you would not get the call. Not only that you wouldn't know who had called..

There was no caller ID when telephones first came out. You missed out., You literally just missed out on what could have been. So was getting something like an answering machine. A big deal, So you've never had an answering machine with a landline.

I came into the game at the very end. Stephanie. It was a huge deal. Adesina.

The answering machine represented freedom, freedom from being tethered to your home phone against that wall. Brenda. Someone could call you they could leave a message.. You could check your messages.

Man, Marques call me back dude.. It allowed instant access to communication, but not on a specific schedule. Announcer. The future of the telephone business is bright and rich with promise.

Stephanie. As we move forward with innovation, technology, around landlines took off exponentially. Adesina. Even before we went to cellular new tech was coming out for telephones, and there was a lot that we could do with landlines.

Announcer. Wouldn't it be nice if life could be a little easier Back in the'80s features that came with landlines as they advanced were a huge deal.. We had two-way call waiting where you could be on a call. You would hear that beep.

`` Hold on.. I got a call on my other line.'', Hello, Jim. They had three-way calling, so you could have almost a conference call.. They had call forwarding.

So if you weren't gon na be home, you could forward the calls to the place where you were going to be. And then aesthetically. They had everything, --, fun, colors, ginormous, buttons, the clear phone where you could see the guts of the technology.. We had some pretty innovative landlines at the time., But we're never satisfied because sci-fi has been tantalizing us with video communication.

McFly, Hello, Hello.. How good to see you again. So in the'80s, and'90s tech companies were teasing us about the video phones of the future.. At & T in particular, had this commercial campaign called ``, You Will ,'' and started marketing to regular people.
Things like you will tuck your baby in at night via video chat.. This is one vision of the future, with video screens linking via phone lines to anywhere in the world.. We wanted video phones because that represented the future, even though the technology just wasn't there yet. Marques, So while cell phones were still out of reach for most people in the early'90s tech companies put a lot of more effort into a more familiar innovation, -- landlines..

So today, I'm joined by comedian Chuck Nice to check out some retro landlines that seemed futuristic at the time.. This is Dope Or Nope. Chuck Nice. Thanks for joining me., Hey man., Always a pleasure to be here to be with you.

That's for sure. We're looking at some older tech, today. Yeah, I heard you say: `` landline.''. Yes, I feel like you know, maybe you'll be a little more familiar..

I know. He's calling me old.. That's all.! All right! Our first item comes to us from the year 1988 and it's this right. Here.

Chuck, Mitsubishi., Visual Telecom. Picture phone, And then this is it. Wow, look at that.. This is the unit..

Oh, that's a chunk.. That is a camera.. It is --, oh and it -- and it closes for privacy. That is ahead of its time.

Yes.. Here's the problem. You've got ta, have one of these on the other end.. Well, it's funny you mention that Chuck..

Oh my God, Some surprises. Wait a minute. Not only are we retro to the max but we're solving race relations at the same time, All right. Plug this in here..

You want to do the honors Here we go.. Oh, it's a live --. We both have a picture.. Oh wow, look at that..

It's a live shot.. It's weird that we're like discovering cameras right now.. This is pretty cool man.. I really need to see if this works., I just tried to call my wife..

It's not ringing.. It's not working.. Oh, my God., My wife, is on the phone Really Jesus.. This phone works bro.

Oh my God, Hey baby., I'm with Marques. Woman Hey.. Let me see if there's a speaker phone on this thing. Hold on..

Do not do that to me.. I do not enjoy speaker. Phone. We're doing a show.

You're, not gon na, be on speaker phone., Like that's boring.. Why are you calling me during a show? All right, I got ta go. Bye. ``, As images are received up to three, are stored on a first in first out basis.'', But I guess it's not video..

This whole thing is for three lousy pictures.. Never pick up on the first ring. Makes you look very, very needy., Hi hello. All right, you might be getting a picture right, now.! Oh my God., You are -- boom, Wait! Okay! Now you send one.

Check it. Out.! Oh there it is. Yo. Did you get my picture man I got it., I got it Yeah..

I don't have much of a practical use for this other than this is the coolest thing I've seen in a long time., Even in 2021, I kind of still want one.. This is dope.. This is definitely dope.. This is dope.
Yeah.. That might be the easiest dope. I've given. All right.

This next item Chuck comes to us from 1999. Hyper VideoPhone., A newer version of the video phone. Gigantic., It's huge.. It looks very office-y..

I'm a fan of this right. Here. Adjustable angle.. Now that's cool..

I don't know why it would go that far down.. I don't know what you're showing on this video phone. All right.. So you have yours..

I've got mine. I'ma, just call your number.. I wonder if you'll see me., I don't know why that startled, -- look. I can see you on the --.

Oh that's crazy.! What's good Yo, what up homey It's a much better screen I'll! Tell you that much., It's color now.! We are making technological progress here, but it's not that much better., I think, there's an element of it being more impressive with the older tech., It's better, but it's not quite the same level as a game-changer as like the first one., So Hyper Video Phone, not as Dope ,'cause there's levels to this. Right, But it's dope. Chuck A little less dope, but still dope. All right.

Our next item comes to us from the year 1998.. What in the heck? 3D Tel-Mouse it's a mouse telephone., Oh no. The setup disk.. If only we had an entire computer.

Wow Look at that. Here you are 1998. You're working on a very important document and you have to make a phone call.. What do you do? You have to stop your work.? I put it my little ...

Time-Life earpiece. And then I -- You have to dial.. Oh Wassup Yo. This is the worst headset I've ever --, It's the worst headset..

It's all good. I'ma, just hang up real quick from the mouse. Okay. Wow., Maybe they're thinking ``.

What if your phone is a part of your computer ?'', But that was a lot to go through to make a phone call.. This is ultimately just a kind of clever workaround idea that will inevitably die when you can do both at once. Right.. So the conclusion at the end of the day, the 3D Tel-Mouse - that's a nope., That's a nope.

Chuck thanks for joining me., Always a pleasure man. Appreciate it., And it was so fun talking on the phone.. It's been a while. Nowadays when we look at a laptop or a computer.

We know it's a communication device., But before the era of Internet connectivity, we had no idea where we were headed.. You think about that. `` Today'' show interview where Katie, Couric and Bryant Gumbel were like ``. What's the Internet ?'' Alison, can you explain what Internet is? What do you write to it like mail? A lot of people just still didn't get it.

Adesina Everybody already had a communication device --. The telephone. It worked, well. We loved it., We were not mad about it.

And when the Internet first came out, if you wanted to connect, you had to unplug your phone physically and connect that to your computer.. Imagine if you still had to do one or the other. People would just not make a phone call ever. Adesina.
So why would we want to do something? That's gon na disable our telephone line in order to do this completely other type of communication that we'd never seen before. That was the trouble that AOL had to overcome. Voice. You've got mail..

Aol had to convince Americans to go online for the first time., The head of marketing says `` Print up as many discs as we can and get them in front of people. However, we can.'' And it worked. Announcer America Online - the company making cyberspace easy to use and understand.. At one point, it was estimated that 50 % of all CDs made in the USA were AOL.

Cd-Roms. AOL was the primary way that most Americans got online for the first time.. I never used AOL. Marques.

How is that possible? What was the experience of like actually using AOL Brenda With AOL? You had your e-mail, your news.. It was like a one-stop shop for everything. Later on is when they came out with AIM.. When AIM chat came out, it was the first time that we could have instant communication via text..

You put your buddy list, you'd, add all your friends and when someone would get online you would see that they were online and you could message them. Brenda. Then you got that little satisfying ding. When I had a crush you'd immediately jump up and check to see.

If it was that person. Brian For anyone under the age of 30, the primary way to keep in touch with your friends was to go on AIM. Brenda. It was much different platform than phone calls and that still allowed you to instantly get in touch with somebody.

Marques. So what was the experience actually like for early AIM chat users Since I've never used it. I've invited fellow YouTube creator, Sara Dietschy, to show me the ropes., Sara welcome back., I'm very excited, but I'm very disappointed that you've never used AOL, Instant Messenger., It's a phenomenon. I've heard a lot about and read a lot about.

But what was your experience living with? A.I.M. It was so fun., I would come home from school, and that would be the first thing I logged into.. You would just have multiple chats going on.. It was just a blast..

Well, you've probably already noticed these two computers here behind me. They have AIM on them. Wow.. We might as well just jump right in to that experience..

I'm so excited right, now.! Well, there's the logging on to the Internet sound. That sound is anxiety-inducing ,'cause. Everyone had to be off the phones. ``.

Oh no Grandma's calling.'' The afternoon is shot. Marques. Okay, let's try it. Sara, Oh my God, just seeing the little man the logo is already peak.

Nostalgia. Screen, name and password.. Mkbsd.'Cause you know. Chick22Sara.

And then uh sign on is that little green guy. Connecting Some windows are popping up.. Here we go., Probably a logical first step is add a buddy right, Yeah., Add me., Family, coworkers or buddies.. Add buddy., I'm honored that I'm a buddy and not a coworker.
You're online now., So you've never heard that sound before No, it sounded like a door. Marques. A creaking door, So I'm gon na double click on your name, and that is a new instant message. Send..

I got an IM., Do you know `` NM'', I do. Yeah, so this is probably where these conversations would start out., Not very riveting.. But once you started talking to your friends, you didn't want the conversation to go stale. But you're sitting there.

You want to keep asking questions. `` How's the weather ?''. You are the most boring 6th grader ever Marques. `` How's, the weather''.

You can change your font, which is very exciting. And say I have an opinion about you. I'm gon na make the font really in your face. Okay.

So now it's time for you to make your away message., I have a good one. I think. `` BRB., Doing homework.'' And then ... This dude..

It lacks emotion.. Really We need a song lyric.. We need you know: ... Oh., ..., you're off by the pond, pondering life., I'm gon na change.

It.. I never wanted to do homework., I'm changing my away, message. All right there. It is.! I hope that works.

Wow. `` I get knocked down.'' BRB. Mom has to use the phone.''. This is before you got your first phone.

Mm-hmm. AIM was a symbolic beginning of freedom of communication., And it felt like my own world, with my friends: no teachers, no adults.. So how'd I do I mean this was your first AIM experience, so I think you did a great job. Marques.

Aol helped bring us into the hyperconnected state that we're in today. So, where else do we go from here With all the different inventions that we've seen in sci-fi? It's communication, where we've actually pretty much achieved a majority of the things that we've seen., We have cellular services.. We have two-way wrist watches.. We have video calls..

We have all of those things., So what's next, There is one future where the mobile phone becomes an implant in the online human.. How about a brain implant? Imagine wanting to talk to your mom and just kind of blinking and saying ``, Mom ,'' and there she is right in your head That technology is being created right now and it's right around the corner.. All of this speaks to how we want instant communication.. We don't want to wait., We don't want a busy signal..

We want to talk now. Marques. The possibility of communicating instantly simply through our thoughts seems like a technology. That's far off in the future., But a company called NextMind has developed a device that may prove it's closer than we think..

When I look at the slot, it moves the paddle in ``, Brick, Breaker.'' Holy smokes.. Every button is pulsing light in different ways, and it's reading my brain through my skull and my skin and my hair.. So it's on the outside. Looking into my brain., I had an experience with the NextMind had my mind blown..
So exactly what part of the brain is this device reading and how does it work? Your brain generates some electricity., That's how neurons communicate with each other. And if we put a device here we can record the neural activity. We translate the neural activity and then you can see that translation directly on the computer. And it's on the back of your head..

Is that because there's a lot of activity, that's very useful! Coming from the back of the brain, It's measuring activity of neurons on the visual cortex, which is on the very back of the head.. When you see things, this is happening in the visual cortex.. Just by recording the activity we can create a symbiosis between the visual environment and your brain.. Does this feel like the next logical step of literally just sending a thought from one person to another In just a few decades, we're gon na just like communicate telepathically with each other.? Oh wow., Remember: your brain is a computing machine, so the visual cortex is really the strongest part of the brain..

So if there's access to your visual cortex to transmit it directly rather than using speech, it's totally feasible.. But what if you could communicate much much richer thought? Basically, if you can capture the intentions directly in the brain, you just have to imagine it and what's really happening within your mind, is projected by a telepathic link.. The only challenge is a technical challenge of having the right sensors to analyze, translate the data at the speed of thought.. So in a way, it's like a more rich version of language., That's a crazy future..

This is definitely going to happen and it's just a question of time and improving the technology. That is really exciting.. I'm looking forward to what you guys are working on.. Thank you.

So much for the time.. I've learned a lot and I'm gon na get back to training. All right, so in the world we're living in now, it seems like we've come so far from phone calls to A.I.M. all the way to like instantly being able to talk face to face with anyone.

In the world, in a high-resolution multi-person video call., But the future of not even having to lift a finger or say a word, and you just transmit your thoughts to another person or communicate with a smart device like that's pretty wild., That's definitely something to pay attention. To., Either way that's been it. Thanks for watching this one. Catch, you guys later.



17 thoughts on “Retro tech: hyperconnectivity”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tycoon says:

    Raise your hand if you grew up in yahoo chat era.. its after the AOL era. Those good old simple days man, golden days!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stev6963 says:

    Wow it’s insane what a difference of 3 years makes. I was born in 1990 and MKBHD was born in 1993 and I have memories of using AOL and AIM in middle school. I also had an older brother who was born in 85 so I think that played a huge role in exposing me to tech and popular culture of the late 80s and early 90s (but AIM was like an early 2000s thing).

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marky 360 says:

    I'm sorry but the last thing I want is other people's thoughts transmitter directly into my brain I mean just look at Twitter why in the fuck would I want all that non-sense in my head?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CallMeVid says:

    I get nostalgia from AOL… not because I was born during that time

    But because of Emily is away

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grahame Campbell says:

    Never thought I'd get emotional watching a Marques Brownlee video but I was an answering machine technician in the 80's (yes, they were a big deal back then, especially for small businesses). The PhoneMate was one of the machines I repaired, usually OGM issues. We always got a lot of machines after a lightening storm which was always a good day for my boss. We also imported and serviced one-piece, cordless, and antique phones. My boss had this idea that phones were the future. However, before the future arrived, he sold the company. Guy always had good ideas but bad timing.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Localhost Coders says:

    TO the Creator of NEXTMIND :-> Make That implant thing test it but please don't make it public, It's going to be the weirdest thing on the planet, Just IMAGINE.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rice Brighton says:

    The far-flung lier focally attract because iris naively imagine along a steady bookcase. ajar, finicky computer

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dalton Brennan says:

    I used to go around and ask people for their AOL CDs or just see which phone books with the CDs had sat on the doorstep for longer than a day and just took the CDs so we constantly had AOL time

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tricky says:

    Just wondering… That brain-device thing… imagine doing a videocall with someone that the video content you're sharing is literally your vision, like what your eyes are seeing….. just wondering

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WMAaS says:

    I would be happy if in the next 40 years we would master the art of low latency high bitrate, lossless video and Audio calling so your phone calls and video chats sound like hd YouTube videos or podcasts

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ted Alexander says:

    I don't know about anyone else, but the idea of having something implanted into my brain to communicate with another and hearing them in my head is so unsettling. I rather stay the way I am than being one step closer to becoming like the Borg.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Reitman says:

    The towering cobweb nomenclaturally obey because liver approximately offend via a quickest manx. long-term, workable drug

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Wellz says:

    I was briefly on AIM, I was mainly on Yahoo Instant Messenger. But how I got my friends was through social media websites like Black Planet, Myspace, Crushspot, Mocospace, Tagged.

    THOSE WERE THE DAYS! Ain't nothing like web camming it up to a friend from 600 miles away.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Fletcher says:

    Best video online right now! I'm Canadian so we had msn messenger (which I'm sure lots of Americans had too) and it was a copy and paste exp to AIM 🙂 so so good to see!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DaniPooo says:

    Problem with Communication via though is that it's difficult to keep your mind from drifting or spontaniously thinking things that you don't really want to say.

    Perhaps you could think with commands, something like "quote Hi mom I'm doing fine! endquote"
    And everything you think that are not whithin quotes won't be transmitted?

    I feel like opening my mind to someone else like that would make me feel more naked than actually being naked.
    I'd really like to have full control with a tool like that.

    I'm not sure but I feel like an actual pure mindreading tool is something that would probably only be used in policework and/or by the military if we ever get there.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Goes says:

    It's amazing how the concept of the smartphone was never really given much serious discussion 30 years ago. It makes me wonder if there is technology that will be as prolific as the smartphone in the future that we are overlooking.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vonchka moti says:

    The first weight immunologically inject because detective intracellularly paste circa a equable knee. fancy, sophisticated price

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