Here are your tags:
yt:crop=16:9 (Zooms in on the 16:9 area, removes windowboxing)
yt:stretch=16:9 (Fixes anamorphic content by scaling to 16:9)
yt:stretch=4:3 (Fixes 720x480 content that is the wrong aspect ratio by scaling to 4:3)
yt:quality=high (Defaults to a high quality stream, depending on availability)
High Quality
High Definition
Thanks man for this
Not cap.
Nobody will ever comment on this video again. I am the last.
Wow more than 11 years later this video has proved useful. If you see this thanks so much.
this kid has a long way to go
thanks for this info!
Free movie streaming at
Nice tutorial bro! can u tell me where can i get that intro template? at – 0:08
my youtube tags disappear
can you watch my videos
According to what they posted on YT forums:
"This isn't a bug. We removed tags from the watch page, since we were finding that folks weren't clicking on them too often and they presented an opportunity for some for abuse (by copying tags in order to manipulate our discovery systems). When you upload a video or edit an uploaded video, tags can still be set, and they still aid the discovery of your videos just like they always have. The only difference is they don't show up on the video page."