@marquesbrownlee Okay thanks 🙂 Anyway, i'm loving DestroyTwitter right now.. but I might try TweetDeck someday..looks interesting (but more complicated?)
One thing I feel is strongly missing though, is the display of Trending Topics.
I just got DestroyTwitter.. by now it's the 2.1.1 ver. which u probly already know.
Anyway, how do I go about using 'Reply All'? I'm still wondering about the purpose of that one..
like, is it reply to all people mentioned in a single tweet? Thanks
Skipped some vids just to see where your voice changed through the years!
Is this comment the only new comment on this video?
How do you add columns or lists?
new to twitter & just downloaded destroytwitter Version 2.1.4p1 – how can I exit from that application?
@marquesbrownlee oh, that's pretty neat. Thanks
Latest Update ver. 2.1.2 as of Sept. 17 2010: Any idea what the *new 'Away' mode is for? (Bottom right of the app).
@marquesbrownlee Okay thanks 🙂 Anyway, i'm loving DestroyTwitter right now.. but I might try TweetDeck someday..looks interesting (but more complicated?)
One thing I feel is strongly missing though, is the display of Trending Topics.
I just got DestroyTwitter.. by now it's the 2.1.1 ver. which u probly already know.
Anyway, how do I go about using 'Reply All'? I'm still wondering about the purpose of that one..
like, is it reply to all people mentioned in a single tweet? Thanks
@marquesbrownlee Okay thanks, I appreciate your response.
which is better? blu or destroy?
@marquesbrownlee well, actually i haven't tried any other 🙂
i use TweetDeck
hey marquesbrownlee you record with camtasia 7 (Now) can you give m link from it and a code for it!
How do you make that intro?