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Highest ranked video suggestion at the end of every week is honored!
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Highest ranked video suggestion at the end of every week is honored!
Youtube community posts in 2010
Sad all good channel features got removed…
How to do you change the color of it?
@ManofWario I have the same problem and I have only had one gmail. . .
I'm having a problem. I was gonna put up a moderator of my own, but it says after i save my changes "Login Required"… what the fuck does that mean? I did link my Google and Youtube accounts… guess it had to do with the fact I went through 3 Email changes (the first one was on my mom's computer, the second was my first Hotmail account, which I removed, the third was my second Hotmail account, which is still up, and I'm on my fourth. which is my Gmail account.) if not, I need help!
On your channel you have that blue background with all of those lines and computery stuff. I'm wondering what style or type of art is that as I can't find anything similar. Thanks
@marquesbrownlee it happens to me all the time, I cant do anything, aprt from run one
You should be able to apply transparency to moderator…. without it, it completely ruins my channel page…
can u tell me why it says to include nickname when i try to do a post?
@TuTube105 and so do no-partners have great videos to; i have seen loads of non-partners with great video. With you are partner are not you do deserve something for the effort of making videos and filming.
I love this feature!!!
Is there any way to move it down though?
I have this!
@marquesbrownlee Nice, it's a great feature, now we can have our viewers come up with video ideas for us haha.
Nice, I'm definitely going to set this up. Since when have we had this though? I never heard.
a question. Why are you so awesome?