Then I went and tried it on my friends.
David's new Magic Class:
Waveform Podcast:
MKBHD Merch:
0:00 FaceTime Magic with Austin Evans
3:03 Why David uses YouTube
7:24 Magic with MrWhoseTheBoss
11:55 Why TEACH Magic?
15:54 Magic with Dave2D
20:05 Why David does Magic!
23:06 The Reveal!
Playlist of MKBHD Intro music:

So i am a little confused because i've never done a magic trick where i have the deck of cards, and i have no idea how you can possibly trick me here. Do you have a deck of cards? Yeah yeah and do you are you? Are you skilled with cards at all? I'm definitely going to do this to peter mccann and i'm very curious. How he's going i'm okay at identifying what's happening? I'm not like dexterous with my fingers, though i have to have a deck of cards yeah. I have to be prepared for this yeah.

You know just one prop one problem uh, i definitely have a deck of cards. Yeah, that's the only a deck of pokemon cards. Does that work? Ah, can you give me three minutes to look for a deck of cards here, i'll, try i'll try something else with with this deck, it's fun when you have a deck, but i'm gon na. Have you pick a card and see if i can uh? Okay, something see how this is all a totally normal shuffle deck of cards.

Okay, so i'm gon na. Have you take a look through these cards? I'm gon na, like riffle them to you and just real fast and see if you can pick out a card and don't say it out loud. Let's see if you can pick one out right. Okay, all right to the camera got ta, get the frame rate got it.

You got it okay, so you can pick we could have picked whatever card, but you got one so i'm gon na see you can see this right. Yes, i'm just going to take the deck like this and just like totally mix it up face up face down all over the place, so it's completely trash like there's. No way you could see like your car could be anywhere in here. Any one of these cars right it could be face up, it could be face down.

Look some of them are back to front. Some of them are front to back. Oh look, some of them are back to back like it could be anything but sure. I'm going to put them in this nice little neat pile, make sure you can keep seeing them, and would it impress you if, if i turned all of these cards to face one direction? Yes, it would definitely impress me it would yes, okay, cool they're all facing one direction.

Okay, that was pretty smooth. Did you catch that there's there's one card. There's one card, that's not facing that! Oh, my god! That's my card! Is it? Is it really? Oh, that's not good! That's good! All right! That's pretty impressive! That's pretty impressive! Thank you. Thank you.

I guess. Last time we spoke, we were in the middle of the desert in arizona you had just come down from this balloon trip from. Was it twenty thousand feet? How how did you go? I actually went to 25 000. 25 000, which was on my watch, but he yelled.

No, no, don't pull you after he said, go, go, go and it was really so registered is 24 9 on there. Okay, but i was at 25 on my watch, i was on the ground. I could see everybody like talking to you in, like the whole broadcast set up, and that was a fun time. You know what threw me for a loop, i'm happy.

It was safe and it was for my daughter and she was there, and i wanted to keep it happy and fun and all that stuff i wanted to go higher than anything on earth. So mount everest was 29 000 feet a little more than 29 072 feet or something like that yeah. I guess, because the fa and everybody suddenly thought that i was going to go hypoxic because i wasn't doing the proper o2 breathing. So suddenly, i'm being remote popped down, and i can't keep i'm like where come on what's going on, i want to keep going so anyway, but but it was a lot of fun when, because they were able to remote pop everything yeah they did as soon as I deployed jumped down, they recovered the entire rig.
That was a high-tech experiment like i got to see the like the aftermath of like so you jump out. They've got the remote control and, like tracking of this huge rig, essentially an aircraft, it continues to fly. They lower it to the ground they recover it like. I got to see all that happen yeah.

I was very impressed with the amount of tech happening, even though at its core. It's you with some balloons, which was amazing, but if it was just me and the balloons, then it would have actually been something that i wasn't into, because i didn't want to just leave balloons to go, float away and like destroy the invite. You know, whatever. Don't pop in the desert yeah, so that's that so the big big team and all the work really was on.

How do we recover the rig? How do we bring everything back down, which is they remote pop, every single balloon and then lower it yeah? So so you put that on youtube, yeah and one of my favorite things about, like i'm pretty sure i found and i'm sure a lot of people watching. This have found your magic on youtube somewhere and if i look back far enough you're easily one of i don't speak to a lot of people who have been uploading to youtube longer than me, but you're, one of the first people to like blow up on youtube People know david blaine magic from yeah. It came yeah, it started with youtube. So how did you? Why did you decide to put stuff on youtube? Because i know my answer but like sharing magic, i felt like the medium was, was changing, so i felt like the natural progression and - and now it really is now the only way people look at things is on their phones, which is unfortunate, but therefore there's also The fortunate part, which is they have lots of access to anything that they can.

Think of so you can learn anything from anyone. Anyone anywhere in the world anytime, which is really speeding up the process of the learning curve, which is amazing, but now there's youtube. Instagram uh tick tock, which i haven't figured out yet i'm so it's so it's so cool on the same page, with the exact i think yeah yeah, but no no, but i'm not against any of it, because i i actually like all of it, but it's just. I have my brain hasn't understood how to do that yet because it's like with youtube, it was kind of like magic was perfect because it was like here's a trick.
Here's a reaction boom! That's really that that's and that content is quick and it's gratifying. But then you know it, it started to move too like there's no time for anything. It has to be like the fastest trick and the fastest reaction couple seconds, yeah, yeah yeah quick, hits. Yep i mean i, i remember: i've seen a lot of your videos and magic, and that was that was actually part of the entertaining part.

Was that takes you into a sort of a rabbit hole and you just watch as many as you can. You can't get enough and the reactions from people when you do a trick to them and blow their mind? Is i think you described it this way? It's like this universal language, like everyone, has the same, like primal, mind-blown reaction to a good trick. Yeah youtube lets. You share that with way more people than if it was just one at a time, yeah yeah, that's right! It allows you to to reach anybody anywhere in the world, which is incredible, no idea how you can possibly trick me here.

Yeah, that's! This is what makes it good, so you've got the whole deck with you no way. I could manipulate it or anything. So i'm gon na have you do some stuff and i'm gon na find your card right. It's a new! It's a new camera thing going.

Okay, so you've got your deck right here. So don't let me see, but from the top of the deck just start, dealing cards down onto the table in front of you. However, many you want and somewhere before halfway you can stop, so you can keep it below the camera, make sure i can't see it. So whenever you want to stop i'll keep talking, so i can't hear i can't count, but as whenever you want to stop, you can stop dealing cards at a time.

You can do three at a time whatever you want to do a random number before halfway and just stop just. Let me know when you're good, good, we're good. Okay, so don't show me your don't. Show me your hand.

Okay, don't show me how many, but what you're gon na do is take the top card and flip it over and check and see what it is. Okay and then flip it back over. So that's your card, don't let me see it, but just remember what that card is okay, there's no way. I can know what this card is at this point, but what we're gon na do is like if, for example, it was a three you'll, take three cards from the big pile and put them face down on top of your card.

So if it was a five, you put five on top if it was a jack, it's eleven, i quite like it. If you turn around, oh, my god, yeah he's turning around, i can't possibly see how many you're dealing you're putting them on top right. So this is just so you you definitely remember your card, you know the number and everything then take that small pile pick it up put it on top of the big pile it goes back into one deck got it amazing below the camera. That was perfect.

So you agree: there's no way i could know what card you've got where it is in the deck. It could be anywhere right. You could have picked whatever you wanted. I'm gon na have you start dealing from the top one card at a time and you're going to read the cards to me one at a time, so i'm going to turn them over and tell you what they are you're going to turn them over and tell Me what they are one at a time right, four, although wait, sorry pause, one i want to have you cut the deck from the middle okay? Okay, put that you put that back on top right, so take that from the middle cut the entire deck in half.
So you've completed the cut yep there you go yes and then cut it and put it back on top so now, you've swapped the top and the bottom perfect. Okay. So now we're gon na deal from the top one at a time face down. Until we've got your card, we'll go all the way through two of hearts: three of hearts: ace of clubs, six of hearts, seven of hearts, eight of hearts.

This was a fresh pack: nine hearts, queen of clubs, king of clubs, king of diamonds, you're, holding a card in your hand, queen of diamonds. Oh yeah keep going keep going jack of diamonds and then we've just got ace of hearts. Wow that you did not shuffle that very much. I did not shuffle that very much.

You saw me unbox the pack. Do you agree that there is no chance? I could there's no technology i could possibly use to, like you know, turn off center stage and like check your hand or like see anything. There's no, like incredible audio feature that could let me hear how many you counted or anything like that. There's just there's no way, you don't know where i cut the deck and i put the bottom half on top.

So no, i don't think you have any idea: yeah, okay, okay, um! Well, you're right! I do. I do have a card here. Um, i'm curious! If your card is also this card, how did you do that? Ah did i did i get it? I got it right, two of clubs. Okay, that's a pretty good start.

It's like you reached through the phone and like messed up my deck for me. What so now there's a sort of a new chapter, because i've seen all these i've seen all these tricks and all these incredible things you've done, but you've now decided to make a class and actually teach magic. So i've been reluctant forever to do magic kits or do any of those types of things which is ironic because my mother's a teacher and my brother's a teacher so they're both teachers. So i always do understand the amazing and important effect that you have by teaching people stuff that you're that you worked really hard on.

But i was still reluctant because magic is such a a confusing area, because these secrets are so powerful. But you don't want to just give them away because that's part of the art itself so every time somebody said to me, though, could you teach me a trick? I always feel bad that i can't you know it's like i want to. Of course i want to, and often i do teach them something quickly like i'll be like here. I could teach you something, but that's not really good enough.
So the idea of being able to create any kind of class that i wanted with studio, which is max called me up, and he was he understood all about magic. He did all of his research. He could perform magic. He also learned how to play chess, so he could play magnus and he lasted quite a few moves against him and he learned how to memorize a deck.

So when he showed me all these things, he said i'll do whatever you want to make this class something. That's incredible and amazing yeah it was it was. It was very difficult to say no to that because - and i know if anybody wants to take the class they're not just going to get the secrets they're going to be, they have to actually enroll. They have to like commit to it: it's a month-long class, so the idea of a student trying to learn some of the things that were what got me started some of the basic things in magic that i love.

I think that was kind of the inspiration and that's what led me to agree to do this yeah so being able to put out something actually good and like that you have control over and that you can really make amazing and share this with as many people As possible is that's like 2022 david blaine, that's pretty sick, it's dope! I. I also want to ask you like how do you decide what stuff to to share in the class versus what stuff you continue to work on and evolve, so most of the stuff that i share is actually for beginners for people that are, you know, beginner intermediate People that want to be able to like walk into a situation and do some magic and not you know it's. I think it's such an amazing art form and it's so it's so such a deep dive into psychology. It's technical! It's math! It's science! It's logic! It's all these things combined and there's a philosophy behind it, so i feel like the people that you know come come into it.

I feel like they'll, have a a a new appreciation for the actual art of magic itself. Actually, i think, like you're gon na, suddenly realize oh wow, when this magician's doing a trick. He does it's a lot of work. It's not just like he's doing this quick trick that has no meaning, and it's like.

Oh, he learned it for three seconds and now he can do it's like. Oh wow, these guys all these magicians out there work really hard at their craft, and it's special can confirm. I mean you're, seeing it now, but you've taught me a little bit. I've been working on the tricks.

I can't even do this yeah, but you learned it fast wait. Let me see if i can do one right now. What is it called again? Charlie cut yeah you learned it fast. Is there a person yeah there you go yep perfect, it's not yeah, it's deep.

No, you just did it, but you learned it fast, but that's the that's. The type of the next phase would be like this. Oh see. That's just the next would be like this.
These are the ones that, but these are the ones that i don't go into teaching, because these are you know this is. This is different. I do like the those things, the evolution of a trick like here's level, one, here's level, two, here's level. Three! That's that's sick.

Take this whole deck and and divide it into three like roughly equal sized piles in front of you and don't shuffle before uh you it's shuffled already. I think right. You got a couple shuffles in so give me three equal sized piles in front of you. Don't let me see them and you can you know, adjust it make sure they're about three equal sized piles, okay, they're, pretty good! You want to see them.

No you're good. Just leave him, i don't want to see, i don't. I don't want to cheat and like see the see the the cards. Oh yeah, you know this technology is crazy.

I might be able to see through the cars so take any one of those piles and flip. It face up whichever one you want: okay, the whole thing's face up yep and you've got a card now on the top of that pile yeah. That's your card so remember that card commit that to memory. There's no way, i could know it.

That's your selection, yeah and then what i want you to do is take that face up pile the whole thing and put it on top of one of the face down piles. Okay, right, uh, uh still up, though, still face up yep and then take the other face down pile and put it on top of the face up pile. So you just made a sandwich yep, so you got all your cards in here now. Some of them are face up, some are face down and uh do your best to like roughly in the middle cut the deck and don't complete the cut.

So you just have two piles now am i showing this to you nope nope? Don't let me see it? Okay, cut it in half, you've, got a face up, half and a face down half and just put them into each other. This is the part where you give me uh your uh little riffle shuffle one of these, so we're really mixing up nah nah off camera. The whole thing just mixing the crap out of this deck right now you are making me ruin these cards. You still remember your card right.

You still got it on my card. Okay, perfect well like there are like half of them are up and half of them are down yeah. It's it's crazy. It's pretty messed up right now, just for fun.

Just give me a give me another cut, just just cut it in half and complete the cut like that. So, like there's really truly no way you can cut it again if you want, like just making sure, there's absolutely no chance in these 52 cards that i could know what it is where it is, it's face up face time, whatever right yeah. So i want you to take this deck, you've, you've, shuffled and one at a time from the top deal, the cards into a pile and each one that is face up, read the card out loud, but don't like. Let me see it, don't change your voice.
If you hit, if you hit your card or not just say all them the exact same so i could never know just read through the deck one at a time deal them face up. Let me know which ones are face up deal them all one. On top of another, all right, king of spades, ace of diamonds, queen of spades, three of clubs - that's it that's it! Okay! You know the crazy stat about like like a card deck can be in any order like there's like some crazy number of like orders. It can be in like 52 factorial, it's like more more stars in the universe or something like that.

Yeah um. It would be pretty miraculous if, from that, shuffle from all that, we just did. I could find your card. I might be shocked, i'd be pretty shocked.

There's no text, i would be shocked. I would be shocked. I would be shocked. Actually you know what's funny.

Actually i uh i have another. I have a pocket on the other side. You remember no way. Dude, okay, you've seen these okay and uh.

So again, i'd be shocked if this worked, but let me know uh if this is also your card holy no way no way did i i got it sounds like i got it. You've done like these tricks to almost any person i can name has experienced some sort of incredible magic who's, your uh who's, your favorite reaction. You've gotten, i mean you know, there's so many amazing reactions, but you mean on somebody like well known or whatever. Maybe you did a trick and you just were like.

I can't believe this person loved the trick. So much i mean i. I was once at a dinner with uh, a dear friend of mine and mickey rourke and tupac, and you know tupac. We were at cafe to back and he was smoking at the table, so he's a little buzzed and i start doing magic to him and the next thing i know i look over and he's like on the floor laughing like kicking his legs like a little kid And that was yeah.

That was a pretty and he's also tupac. You know, so that was a pretty exciting reaction, but there's all kinds of reactions that i get that are amazing and sometimes it's the opposite. It might just be somebody's completely still like a kid that i did magic to in a barstow, and i made a coin disappear over saying. It was in.

My first show i've seen that yeah yeah and he just stood there and he's like cool, and that was all - and i obsessed over him, but you know, and then i wanted to put that trick on abc and they were like. No, it's not his reaction. I was like this is the best thing and then, after that, i think he got a taco bell commercial or something that's an iconic and that's all over youtube. That's exactly that's what i'm talking about see and then what was funny was those spoof videos that came like not that long ago, like 10 years ago, or something had those like david blaine street magic videos did you enjoy those yeah? That was some of my favorite videos now that guy mikey day has uh, he got a uh a lead in snl.
After that, that's incredible! That's incredible! You know magic, these types of things, they're all creative. I view you as a creator. Basically, this is what i'm saying like you, you put stuff online. You adjust the way you present you you're creative.

In the way you combine things and you're able to to make something new and that it's like amazing and you get to share with people and that's like inspiring for me. So i appreciate that. Thank you but hold on. I want to say one other thing marquez so so, like i said, i always try to teach people magic, yeah right like i'm, always like the way you are with your hands and your ability to learn.

It's it's. It's mind-blowing. It was a very fast learning curve. As you know it just that was, i was very impressed.

You know, and and once again that was part of my excitement in the beginning was just i know, you're so athletic you're, so smart you're so telling so seeing the immediate learning curve was inspiring. And then you pulled the stuff off quickly: yeah yeah. No, i i had the best teachers, so i definitely had a pretty pretty good head start there yeah, but you you you the way you learned it and the way you pulled it off right away. We did it to your crew, did it over zoom yeah, and you improvised.

You came up with stuff so that you know that that was for me that wasn't that's worth the whole thing right there like watching. You learn and adjust and and come up with things, and it was fun if your card is the eight of clubs, it isn't it's fine, i was just kidding. Is it this one? Did i get it? I think i got it. What the hell that looks like i got it you're reaching through my screen: it's not even fair.

He learned he learned. He learned very fast what it took a second. It took a second. I was by the way i didn't help him.

I mean i taught him, but i didn't help him there's a difference. I don't have like someone who works at crete airport all right all right. I guess you learned from the master, but that's legitimately really impossible, appreciate it. Thank you.

But how could he have known what you were thinking regardless? Oh what's up man how you doing by the way? Just so you know just you know i was watching so even though he put the cards at a frame, nothing funny was done. He did all of what you saw exactly wow yeah. I didn't help at all. He did it all himself that whole thing that is super impressive, well call us back one day when you have your own deck of non non-pokemon, he pulled off the impossible.

Wow david i've watched a lot of your stuff online over the years. You're you're magnificent. I think you just got a a dose of the the new version of being able to do this through the screen like that is unbelievable, but there's something really eerie about controlling your own deck and controlling your own cuts and your own shuffles away from you and Just happening like that is bizarre face up, oh hold on this is weird hold on tilt the camera down, move the pile in your hand, away, move it away, move it away. You drop him, get rid of him.
Look what he's been holding since before this began! Turn it shown and by the way you didn't even you turned them upside down right side up. You did what you wanted. I wish i had more time to take this in this has blown my mind, all right, shout out to david blaine himself for teaching me magic. Literal dream come true.

Also, we had a full-on longer extended conversation with some really interesting questions, so i'm gon na put that entire chat on the next episode of the waveform podcast. You can subscribe to the waveform channel right here and uh. We also did some magic in the studio. I did some tricks to the people here, but david also taught us how to hold our breath for like four minutes straight on the first try.

It was kind of amazing so subscribe to the studio channel here to see when that drops and then, of course, uh. All the links are below check out his class if you want to learn magic from the literal goat figurative, but you know what i mean: okay, thanks for watching catch you guys in the next one peace you.


15 thoughts on “David blaine teaches me magic!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio Zenteno says:

    You hired like 30 people for the studio… and produce fewer and fewer reviews every year.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joey Faze says:

    I love that you switched up the content a little bit thank you i love your videos

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Technophile Sector says:

    Did you upload the video on wrong channel???? Shouldn't be on waveform!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PG Plays Video Games says:

    if you haven't seen it, go look up david blaine street magic (there's 5 parts to it – search by playlist)

    you'll thank me later

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spaceman Spiff says:

    Marques already beat the tech game and just doing side quests now 🤘

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nazani says:

    Guessing how some of these are done (DON'T LOOK IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE SPOILED)

    1. Austin
    This one is easy, the card he riffles is put in a slightly different position so that when he riffles through the deck, it is shown just a bit longer than everything else, so your mind keeps that one in. You can even see it in the bottom cam when he riffles, you will also see the 10 of clubs.
    He "mixes them up face up face down", but if you actually look he just creates two equal halfs of the deck, one face up and one face down, and when he shows the two face down sides (there's only one in the middle) he then puts the face down on top of face down which makes everything face down. When he mixes the last chunk, that's probably when he puts the forced card into the opposite position.

    2. MrWhoseTheBoss
    No idea 😀 probably has something to do with putting the number of cards on top of the selected card.

    3. Dave2D
    The whole point of the trick is to put more face down cards before the selected card. There's a reason he emphasized one at a time, he does not want for the cards to be counted too quick to catch the time when face down cards are too many, and when they are, you know that the next face up card is gonna be the selected card. You can actually take a deck of cards and follow this one and you'll see that you will end up having a lot of face down cards before your selected face up card.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Silvan says:

    He’s one of my idols and the best part about him is that he seems like one of the most wholesome guys on this planet hope i can meet him oneday

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stratofever says:

    Who hoped to see David teach Marques how to pass a coin through his body?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yassine elyacoubi says:

    David Blaine has the most reactions I've ever seen him show in this video.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Per Erik Wennberg says:

    Hi Marques I got a message from you that you would like to give me something? Is that scam!???

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will says:

    As a bit of a card magician myself this is better than any collab I can think of!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis V says:

    Nice YouTube collab show people magic and David Blaine. While getting people to watch Waveform Podcast. Impressive.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nemi Adoki says:

    I think the greatest thing about magic is the kid-like – pure and genuine reactions people get. It's so nice to see humans that all have what they go through in life for one second, forget all of that and just be genuinely happy.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Telegram👉@Mrwhosetheboss2220 says:

    Thanks for watching🔝🔝….message right away I have something for you 🆙🆙🆙

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaxv33r says:

    Why does David Blaine sound like Barack Obama for some reason, is David Blaine actually Obama in disguise or vice versa?

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