There have been 33 iPhones in 14 years. Let's take a look at every single one of them! (Android version next?)
MKBHD Merch:
0:00 Intro
1:52 The Original iPhone
3:50 iPhone 3G
4:48 iPhone 3GS
6:19 iPhone 4
9:00 iPhone 4S
9:44 iPhone 5
11:17 iPhone 5S
11:55 iPhone 5C
13:07 iPhone 6/6 Plus
15:05 iPhone 6S/6S Plus
16:37 iPhone SE
17:42 iPhone 7/7 Plus
19:55 iPhone 8/8 Plus
20:22 iPhone X
22:28 iPhone XS/XS Max
23:05 iPhone XR
23:46 iPhone 11 Series
25:37 iPhone SE (2020)
26:35 iPhone 12 Series
28:15 iPhone 13 Series
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Oh, oh yeah, it turns out. There are a lot there's a lot of iphones and no matter what you think about the iphone. The first iphone this guy right here, the uh, the original, it's pretty legendary. It was unveiled at mac, world 2007.

It was shown off in a glass case. It had that memorable, steve jobs moment on stage an ipod, a phone, a breakthrough, internet communicator. These aren't all three separate devices. This is one device, it was pretty clear.

Apple had something pretty special on their hands. At that moment - and you can mark that day on the calendar as a pretty obvious inflection point towards getting to where smartphones are today now today, we're all the way up to iphone 13 lucky 13 and actually the 13 is a lineup of phones. It's a bunch of phones and they all have world-class cameras, lots of proprietary silicon way more software features and it's it's a tightly packed collection of parts that would have been basically impossible back in 2007. So clearly a lot has happened since then.

So today i've got every single iphone. That's ever been released, 1 through 13 and i'm a review mall. Now, some of them i've seen before some of them. I've never even touched or held it's the first time, i've ever gotten them in the studio and now they're working.

So i just wanted to look back and see how far these phones have come and it's it's actually pretty incredible when you put them all next to each other, so join me also stay tuned for the graphs. At the end, we got some good graphs so january. 9Th 2007, the first iphone, so here's a fun fact there's an article from the guardian. That shows that apparently, six out of ten americans knew that an iphone was coming before it was officially unveiled.

So this was an incredibly hyped thing, but it came out and when it finally did, it was immediately pretty recognizable. You've got this two-tone design, metal up top plastic at the bottom for all the antenna pass through a very recessed headphone jack that actually prevented lots of non-apple headphones from working with it, and this thing here really set the tone for the rounded corners the flat front And the general ui of completely, depending on a multi-touch screen for everything, including a virtual keyboard, which is pretty bold at the time now it had a bunch of things missing, so it had no app store on it when it launched. So, basically, you could use the included apps and that's it and there were some good ones. You know safari is here, there's a youtube.

App google maps was included, there's a stock and weather app, but you couldn't get anything else. You also couldn't even set a wallpaper. Every single non-jailbroken original iphone was rocking the same wallpaper, absolutely nothing pitch black. All these numbers, too, are pretty hilarious, but let's just put them out there for context.

Three and a half inch display two megapixel camera on the back. It launched with a four or eight gigabyte storage version and the starting price was 4.99, which was pretty expensive for a phone. It's one of the most recognizable phones. Ever it's the only one that had a sim card tray at the top.
It's the only two-tone iphone. They ever made and fun fact this launched in well. It was announced in january, but then it didn't actually launch until five months later in june, basically, and then not till another. Eight months later did they drop a 16 gig version, but you know looking back even though it obviously had a lot objectively wrong with it and a bunch of things missing about it.

There was clearly a lot about the original iphone that stood out. That was better than was out on the market and that's why it had such an impact, but there was a sequel and that sequel was the iphone 3g. So this was called the 3g, not the iphone 2, because it was the first one using a 3g network. Instead of edge - and there were some big changes, first of all, it does feel a lot more like a refined version of the original iphone.

Actually, it's all black plastic now just smooth like a pebble, mainly because it's way more tapered, so it actually feels and looks thinner, but that actually does lose you some space on the inside. So the battery in this phone is actually smaller than the original iphone. The volume rocker and the iconic mute switch that are already here kind of blend into the side. Now, though, but software wise, this was another big step.

Originally, there were no plans for an app store. Like i said first one didn't have it steve jobs said everyone should make web apps for safari, but they changed course and reconsidered, so this phone launched with the app store which started with 500 apps in it, and we all know how that skyrocketed from there. So this is iphone os 2 on the iphone 3g. Then we got the iphone 3gs, the first ever s update s here we could safely assume is for speed, but also you could say it stands for silver, because really the only difference on the outside is the text on the back of the phone goes from gray To reflective silver other than that, this one's the exact same design and dimensions, you could fit the same cases as a 3g, but the internals all got upgraded.

So it's a faster chip made by samsung that is literally twice as fast toss in 256. Megabytes of ram and a 3 megapixel camera and a slightly larger battery, you got yourself an s update, but looking back at it today, i could also argue the s stood first software because it got some pretty big features again: iphone os 3. Finally, added cut copy and paste finally and believe it or not. This was the first year the iphone could actually record videos in the camera app along with auto focus and auto white balance.

I also noticed the vibration motor got a lot better on the 3gs. It's a little smoother and less rattly than the first two now. This is also the first iphone that had a major gate attached to it. So there was a white version of the 3gs and it started having weird discoloration issues turned out to be because of heat.
So apple ended up just recommending that people not leave their phone in a car for a long time in the sun or not use their phone for an extended period of time on a hot day, not ideal kind of a classic apple response. But it turned out to be fine, so iphone 4, i think i can safely say was their best new design and maybe their best design. Ever it was hyped into oblivion from that famous gizmodo leak before launch, but it eventually was revealed and we still see shades of this iphone in today's iphones. So first of all, it only launched in one color black.

They had to make a special white version later, but it's got the new square design that at the time on stage, was called the thinnest smartphone on the planet at 9.4. Millimeters - and you know there were a couple - others that were a little thinner. But, more importantly, it's all flat sides. Now on all the sides, it's more grippable, it's more iconic.

It's got the circular individual volume buttons. It's all glass and stainless steel, it's pretty sweet, but then the feature list this phone also got is crazy. So, okay, this is the first iphone with a higher resolution display. This is the retina display which doubled the pixel density and looked dramatically better than any previous iphone.

Then it was also the first iphone to use an apple branded chip, so it was still made by samsung, but this now had a one gigahertz apple a4 chip inside with half a gigabyte of ram. So now it supports multitasking for the first time and apps won't close when you jump between them, and this is the first iphone with a selfie camera. So you could have this sweet new video calling service called facetime, plus they bumped the rear camera up to 5. Megapixels, which let them shoot 720p video and had enough fidelity for 5x digital zoom, and i also remember this phone being really hot.

It was. It was talked about a lot, even though it's nowhere near the most popular iphone by total sales. It did break all the records of all the previous iphones and it had people waiting outside stores for it and it sold 1.7 million in the first weekend. Just just because it looked so different, it was so much better than the previous phones that they'd made, but also this new design was the source of easily apple's biggest gate.

Yet, of course, to have all these new antennas on the outside. In the stainless steel band, which is a really clever idea, shout out to johnny ive, but that also meant that when you grip the phone like this, which i guess you could, when phones used to be this small, it caused a it just dropped. Actually, a noticeable drop in signal strength to the point where you would actually drop a phone call if you're on the phone and held it covering the antenna bands. This issue eventually grew so much that apple issued a statement that it's not that bad and the formula calculating the number of signal bars, isn't quite right and we'll fix that with a software update, but also don't hold your phone like that, but eventually they caved and Made this, you may remember the legendary free bumper case.
Every iphone 4 buyer could apply in an app to get a free bumper. What a classic! This is also the last iphone unveiled by steve jobs himself, so iphone 4s. This was again a small upgrade and again mostly a speed specs upgrade. They clearly had a good thing going with the iphone 4, so they didn't change too much on the outside other than again having a white version and the antenna layout is improved, of course, but this is definitely a refinement.

There's a new 8 megapixel camera shooting 1080p video, and at this point we're now on ios 7. tim cook actually said in an interview, though, around the time this phone came out that the s in iphone 4s stood for siri, which came out with the phone and Was right around the same time that google was coming out with their voice assistant, early versions of siri were pretty rough uh, but of course it would start to get better over time from that launch now, iphone 5 brought the biggest feature literally that people were hoping For that, the 4s didn't bring that's a larger display, so this is the beginning of the inflation of the iphone believe it or not. Every single iphone up to this point has had a three and a half inch display. This one is a four inch screen, but it's still a retina display, still same pixel density and still a pretty square design, but this time much more metal and it's also much more durable because of that and it felt more industrial, especially in the hand.

A little more heavy, but this is also the first iphone with lte and the first one with a whole one gigabyte of ram for even more multitasking on this new massive display. But probably the most important change here is the killing of the 30 pin connector and the introduction of this newer, much smaller port, the lightning port. Maybe the only bad thing that came from this phone is when they replaced the pre-loaded google maps app with a new apple maps, app, which was just absolutely terrible at launch, but the bigger screen and the beloved design combined, and this phone really took off in sales. This sold out 20 times faster than the 4 and the 4s, and during the first 16 days of sales, it accounted for over 20 of all phones sold now android was definitely heating up alongside it.

Maybe leave a thumbs up on this video. If you want to see an android version of this look through history and make sure you subscribe to see that if we get there, but you could say with the iphone 5 apple sort of caught lightning in a bottle here, get it because because the lightning anyway, The next year we got the iphone 5s and the iphone 5c two very different iphones, so the 5s continued on the path of the flagship iphone which had been steadily increasing in price. This one now started at 6 49 at launch definitely expensive at the time, but very much still a flagship, and this actually is the first iphone i ever owned and reviewed. This is actually the one i'm holding right now.
It's still got the squared off design, but little refinements, like the chamfers and the new gold color they included, but the most important new feature here, aside from even more speed, is the touch id fingerprint reader on the home button. Now, iphone 5c, on the other hand, is much cheaper and a much more colorful option to live alongside it. In fact, that's probably what the c stood for cheap colorful, but it's funny when you look back at the pricing. This was still in the days where most iphones were linked to a two-year contract, so the iphone 5c was 99 bucks with a contract, while the 5s is 199.

But the idea is basically it's a repackaged, iphone 5, but now put in a plastic body. So some people love this design to me, it's it's a breath of fresh air, it's kind of like ipods, but definitely wasn't my favorite. I do want to say, though i think both of these phones really showed the pressure that apple was feeling from the android world, especially you know apple likes to pretend no other company exists they're, just in their own little vacuum, comparing themselves to the iphones they've already Made it's the best iphone ever. Of course it is uh, but i feel like this screen getting larger was obviously there's a symptom of all phone screens getting larger and larger and offering that and more features, and then, of course, offering a cheaper iphone god.

That's so neon, but you know there's much other cheaper phones coming out and having the only iphone be the expensive one wouldn't bode well, so they made both but then came iphone 6 and 6 plus er, not my favorite designs of the iphone ever and honestly. They're, probably not apples either, but on the other hand they are some of the best selling most popular smartphones ever made. So they probably don't mind that four million plus on the first day, 13 million in the opening weekend. Jesus and 220 million plus total iphone 6s and 6 pluses sold jesus christ.

That's a lot of phones, so the squared off sides are gone now and it's much thinner and the volume buttons are even more elongated. This is now the first ever iphone with a camera bump, but really the biggest physical change with these phones is. They are now relatively massive. Iphone 6 has a 4.7 inch display, and this first ever plus size phone here has a 5.5 inch 1080p display.

That apple calls retina hd, it's now, finally, gotten so tall that they have to move the power button down from the top over to the side, so it would still be reachable now. I've personally always liked the big phones and anyone else playing in the android world is aware that there's tons of other big phones out there, but this from this i mean in one year. That is a huge step. You might remember the word phablet pretty dumb word, but you know: there's phones like the galaxy mega, and these are huge phones that are blurring the line between a phone size and a small tablet.
So we're in this world. Now, where we're offering the biggest possible phone and uh there would be consequences. Yeah this phone started to have some durability issues. Ben gate is probably the most famous gate of all time.

There is uh, there's lou's video, of course, spending the phone straight in half. I believe that is the most viewed tech gadget, video of all time. Correct me if i'm wrong, but really yeah, this was apple's first time making a phone. This big - and you know in hindsight, yeah sheesh, it's very thin and it needed some structural reinforcement.

So that is, of course, where iphone 6s and 6s plus come in, so they fixed a lot of the hardware issues, reinforced 7000 series, aluminum being one of them and of course they were faster too another s for speed. How about doubling the ram to 2 gigabytes too, not bad and at this point we're on the apple a9 chip inside, which is still getting pretty huge performance boost with each new iphone they're on a pretty big ramp here, but the big new feature inside this phone Tell me if you remember this: one 3d touch a pressure, sensitive layer underneath the display that would let you distinguish between a normal tap and a deep, forceful tap, and it was paired with this incredible new vibration motor they call a taptic engine, so it had already Been awesome in the apple watch for a couple months and in the macbooks track pad now it's in the phone and honestly, i really liked 3d touch and i miss it now. Spoiler alert it's gone, but it was really up to app developers to decide what they wanted to do with it. A lot of it was just previewing links inside a mini browser and small shortcuts from home screen icons, but this feature would not last very long.

Fun fact, though, this was another year that the iphone had a smaller battery than the previous year. The new reinforced aluminum and 3d touch took up more internal room, so he had a battery shrink, but also the camera bump in this iphone. 12 megapixel camera 2015.. This is the first 12 megapixel camera and every single iphone they've ever made since then has also had a 12 megapixel camera.

So, six months later, we got a surprise mid-cycle addition to the iphone lineup, the iphone se. So this is definitely a lot of people's favorites. It's actually the oldest iphone out today. That still supports the newest version of ios.

Ios 15 runs on the og iphone se five-year-old phone, and this was really apple's move to bring back this small phone and while the sc officially stands for special edition, we can also easily call it the small edition, because this brought back the smaller four-inch screen size Back from the iphone 5 series, and even alongside apple's other phones, it's it's impressively light and small. It was also cheaper and didn't. Have you know flagship features like 3d touch? It was basically an iphone 5s with the new chip and the new 12 megapixel camera inside. But yeah this was the beginning of the end of small phones right here.
Every tiny phone apple does from here on out. If you'll notice is some sort of a special labeled edition, but apple still knows, like people want smaller phones and these tiny pocketable flagship, spec phones are very rare. Now iphone 7 and seven plus were very memorable and have left their mark on the rest of the smartphone world for a couple reasons. So honestly, even though the design didn't change much, i could argue this is one of the most important iphone updates ever.

First of all, the plus sized iphone had multiple cameras for the first time ever. So, of course, there were some other phones that just beat apple to the punch. You know htc made an evo 3d and htc had a 1m8 with a depth sensor, but this was just a straight up. Second, camera for telephoto optical zoom and portrait mode, which would also arrive months after launch in a software update by the way.

But then, second, this was the first iphone without any real physical buttons. So this home button for the first time is just a solid glass surface, with the touch id fingerprint reader and the taptic engine behind it. So it doesn't actually click. It's the first force touch home button and, as you know, the home button has now officially started to make its way out, but on top of all of this, this is the iphone that got rid of the headphone jack mark it down september 2016.

There's the infamous courage, explanation on stage the lightning earbuds bundled in the box, and of course you know, other smartphone manufacturers would immediately start turning and making fun of the iphone in any commercial. In any event, they could get the chance, but we all know how that went from there because, as you know, airpods were also announced at that same event, and they would go on to become incredibly popular wireless earbuds and everyone else wants in on that action too, Which shifts the whole landscape of, what's expected, now from smartphone audio for better and for worse? Also, i just got ta say i i think this single year that they ever did this jet black was super sick, even though it caught all kinds of fingerprints and scratches. I loved it, but also this felt like the first year that apple started to think about two different iphones, one being a little more pro than the other. It wasn't called the pro, but the iphone 7 plus was the one that had an extra camera and it also had an extra gig of ram so having portrait mode, it just had a little bit more than the regular sized iphone.
So this is the first time they're starting to like branch, that off now the next year in 2017, we got three iphones. Now it's really branching off. We got iphone 8 and 8 plus and iphone 10., so iphone 8 and 8 plus these are. These are pretty minor upgrades, of course, honestly pretty boring same design as a seven same sizes, just a spec bump now and with true tone and wireless charging, and i will also give them credit for being the first smartphones to record 4k 60fps video.

So there you go, but they were immediately upstaged and outshined minutes later, with the reveal of the iphone 10 that big x, everyone called the iphone x so the true beginning of the future of the iphone. So this was a huge redesign that was in the works for years and honestly, i personally loved it a lot of things about it. The home button is gone, everything is gestures on the screen now. The bezels are also now mostly gone with a new oled screen for the first time in an iphone, instead of an lcd that wrapped right up to the corners and looked super modern and the home button, also being gone means touch, id is gone, so instead you Have face id a whole facial recognition, suite with an ir blaster and a dot projector in this notch up here at the top, but the thing about the iphone 10 that rippled through the smartphone world more than anything else, the price tag 1.

000. Now you know over the years we had seen phone prices slowly increasing you know: 459, 559, 599, 619, 649 and actually the iphone 8 and 8 plus at the time launched at 6.99 and 7.99. But the base config 64 gig iphone 10 started at a thousand bucks. Just jumped right up to the top, and i think the first reaction was like what you can do, that you can charge a thousand dollars for a phone, and people will actually buy it.

That was the thing like. It was a good phone really nice oled screen much improved over the previous generations, but people bought this phone a lot and i think that kind of opened pandora's box for everyone else going. Oh, so we can. We can make a crazy high-end spec phone too.

We can keep selling a cheaper one, but we'll make a lot more money. If we do something like this, but another fun fact, maybe the biggest ding on iphone 10's legacy is. It is officially the fastest discontinued iphone of all time. Usually they keep around every phone for like an extra year with a discounted price.

This is one of the ones that didn't stick around and it lasted officially 10 months before being axed when the 10s came out, but that was the new variation iphone 10s iphone 10s. Max and iphone 10r. Okay. So now that we've fully moved on to this new form factor 10s is a refinement and a spec bump in the same design same size.

The difference is this time: they're, also making an even bigger version with a bigger screen and an even bigger price tag called the max so they've gone from plus now to max. As the word they're using and the bigger phone does have the same specs as a smaller one, but the max has of course, the biggest ever screen in an iphone again. Jumping up to 6.46 inches really feels like a modern big phone. They couldn't go entirely.
Super high priced phones, though, so we also got an iphone 10 r, which really was just them, bringing the iphone 8 into the new notch design. Now i was not the biggest iphone 10r fan, but at the time you got to understand, most people don't need the highest end phone and most people were not going to notice the incredibly low resolution 720p lcd versus an oled, even though it was a 750 phone And they deserved better. This was the phone most people should get. So this is a colorful option.

That became the one i recommended for most people, even though the 10s and 10s max were clearly much better, but they were just still so damn expensive. Now, the next year 2019, the naming gets a little simpler. I guess iphone 11 iphone 11 pro and iphone 11 pro max. Maybe that's not simpler, it's actually more complicated, but the iphone 11 is the cheapest smallest iphone with an lcd display.

What's crazy. Now, though, is this baseline, smallest iphone 11 has a larger display than the previous plus sized iphone 8 plus. So the inflation has given everything on the market, bigger screens, but also now, camera bumps are becoming a design feature and the iphone has settled into this relatively inoffensive, rounded, off square in the corner, and at this point really, the only knock on this design is that All of the competition has already moved on from the notch. Already by this point, they're all on hole punches much smaller cutouts, even starting to do this crazy, high-tech stuff behind the screen.

But the iphone is sticking with this notch and that'll be a theme right up until the end of the iphone. Here then, at the high end, this was the first year of apple, doing a pro named phone. So now we've gone from plus to max to pro, and i honestly, i think, they're just playing with the name to see what they can get away with selling for more money. But here they have already killed off 3d touch.

So the extra hardware is gone, and now it's just a long press that we know today as haptic touch instead of 3d touch, and this is the first iphone to now have triple cameras on the back as they've added their first ever ultra wide shout out to Lg for pioneering this one rip so now we're starting to get to what we recognize as the modern iphone. I'm also curious. If you leave a comment, do you think they're going to move on from the word pro to a different word again plus max pro? Is there another word that could continue to upsell, better screens, better cameras, better features better batteries? Maybe, but now we can't forget the crowd favorite, another mid-year refresh for the second generation iphone. Se again, se is special edition, but also this is the smallest edition, since this is now by far the smallest iphone apple makes with a 4.7 inch display.
It feels tiny compared to the rest of the lineup and really to the rest of the smartphone world, but that's the world we live in now. This is more or less an iphone 8 with a few tweaks and the new chip inside, and that alone is good enough to make it one of the best options out there, especially in the camera and performance department, and i'm also gon na say. This is the best red they've ever made yeah it's the best ride they've ever made. Also the 399 starting price really puts things into perspective.

The fact that this is the cheap phone now how inflated the prices have become. This had to be their offering for competing in the budget area where so many others are kicking their butts. This deserves a chart, it'll be a good chart, but then last year we got four new iphones, all of them slightly different, but it's a whole lineup. Now iphone 12 mini iphone, 12 iphone 12 pro and iphone 12 pro max, and the square sides are back baby.

This design now feels like if the iphone 10 and the iphone 4 got together and had a baby, a couple things here. We did finally get to 5g with this one kinda. If you saw the full review, you know what i mean, but then the pro max. This time actually does have slightly different impressively, even better set of cameras from even the pro and the rest of the lineup, including a larger primary sensor.

With the new sensor shift stabilization - and this is also the first ever year of a mini iphone, which hilariously has roughly the same screen size as the plus sized iphone from just three years ago from the iphone 8 plus. But this also continues the odd tradition that apple seems to be keeping going now of announcing a new camera feature on stage, but then not delivering it in the phone on day, one and figuring it out with software update later so pro raw, a new camera codec For raw photos from the iphone was announced on stage didn't come out till two months later, but with the iphone 12 lineup, we'll probably be most famous for, is shipping in those new, smaller boxes that don't have charging bricks inside it's a yet another move apple's made That was made fun of a lot and then literally a year later, you start to see other manufacturers samsung xiaomi already doing it, and i wouldn't be surprised if this becomes the normal in the smartphone world. But that's what we'll probably remember most from the iphone 12 year, but then last but not least, lucky iphone 13. and it's the same lineup as last year from the smallest, cheapest, 13 mini all the way up to the largest most premium 13 pro max.

Another minor update on paper but, as you know, it was to the three most important areas of the phone. The cameras all got better across the board and i'm saying these pros have the best camera system in any smartphone on the market right now. So that's not bad, then the battery life got better across the board too, since the phones are now slightly thicker and heavier than last year because of the bigger batteries and the displays got better, particularly the pros which now finally have a high refresh rate promotion display That goes up to 120 hertz and just to keep this new tradition going, prores video was announced for the pro iphones, not on the phones. Yet, as of right now, it's coming with a software update so overall now counting all of the minis and maxes and pros and pluses and ses 33 models of iphones have ever been made.
I hope i'm counting that right, but that's over 14 years of the iphone existing. So there's been a lot of these things and the fun fact now is there's over a billion iphones active in use right now, but speaking of numbers, big graph guy. Here i really like seeing these numbers visualized in some sort of a beautiful graphic way. So that's what we're going to do here.

I think this is the best way to understand like how far these phones have come or even just see some interesting patterns. So first one which is kind of funny uh, total storage - that's been in the iphone. This is a graph of the total storage size available in every iphone of every year. So we all saw the first iphone launch with four or eight gigabytes of storage, which was a pretty good number at the time, but then, slowly year over year, it's bumped up in a pretty steady fashion.

Until this year, the max storage size you can get on an iphone is over a thousand gigabytes, that's pretty sick, and it makes me wonder where we'll all be. You know shooting prores video, maybe to one petabyte iphones in a couple years. Maybe we'll see performance has been also a pretty steady curve upward shout out to moore's law, and while i wish i could do like a geekbench score for every year or something there is no geekbench score for some early iphones. But it's interesting to see how the amount of ram in these phones was stable for a bit at one gig and then has been pretty steadily ramping up since not as crazy as some other phones out there.

Of course. But that's cool to see. But speaking of stable, here's a funny one megapixel count in the cameras we started with a 2 megapixel camera on the original iphone. Then they got up to 8, which is kind of a sweet spot paused for a bit, and then they notched up to 12 megapixels with the iphone 6s and that's been where every single iphone camera has been.

Since i kind of want to predict like what the next number will be in order to do 8k video, they have to jump up to 30 or 33, but we'll see where they go. There's a lot of companies whose megapixel charts look absolutely crazy. Next to this one screen size is another fun one though we talked about the pressures of all the rest of the smartphone world, making bigger and bigger phones. The iphone was a three and a half inch screen for a while, but then the dam broke and we got bigger and bigger sizes, but they've also tried their best to keep a somewhat small iphone in the mix.
You got to respect them for that, but this also may be the last year. We actually see a really good mini iphone. So if you are still in the market for a tiny one get one, while you can okay, here's a fun one starting prices. So here are the starting prices for the iphones released every year, starting in 2007 all the way through 2021 off contract.

So of course it's more common for people to buy phones off contract now than they did a decade ago. But you can pretty clearly see that ramp. The 999 iphone wasn't actually that monumental of a jump from the previous phones. It was just such a mental hurdle, though of a number, when you add a digit, so also fun fact, the most expensive iphone.

You can get right now, 15.99, which is a lot more than the most expensive iphone you could get at the beginning, which was 5.99. Okay, last but not least, just for fun, we can visualize sales. The iphone clearly had a really big surge from like 2011 to 2015, and the iphone 6 and 6 plus were a big part of that. They were the best selling iphones of all time and i think it's safe to say that is the best-selling smartphone of all time.

But now iphone cells are, of course, plateauing they're closer to saturated and that's why apple is working on growing other categories like services and accessories to the iphone. So that's how we got from here to here 1 to 13. What does the iphone 14 bring? I don't know only the people working on it, no, but uh. I hope it has a port.

That's all i'll say about that. One either way. That's been it thanks for watching catch you next year, apple peace.


17 thoughts on “Reviewing every iphone ever!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Himani Belsare says:

    you should make a series out of it. every iphone ever. every samsung. every one plus. etc etc. great work! looking forward to many! <3

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marius says:

    I used to love Iphones but the absurdly increasing price tags and the unbearable notch made me switch in the end

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Holt says:

    Would be really interested to see the Android history; mostly to see when they got good enough to be properly competitive.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex's Buy Ratings says:

    I've only purchased the 2 SE versions of the iPhone's for less than $1000. Amazing phones. The only reason I bought the SE 2 was because I was afraid it would get discontinued.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThatGrizzlyGuy says:

    Wearing a mask while outside taking pictures, so you won't get yelled at in the comments by the virtue signaling crowd. You are the problem. Grow a pair.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars No says:

    We could have done a everything we can do now back in 2007 but we just didn’t put are mind to it

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dank Dopths says:

    Alexander Bell, the first telephone
    Almon Stowger, allowed the first rotary phone
    Western Electric, created the Model 1500, the first phone with buttons
    Moterola, we all know about their DynaTAC 8000x. The first mobile phone.
    Motorola again, made the StarTAC, making the revolution of flip phones.
    Apple, making the iPhone and changing the game entirely. As if a switch flipped in the market.
    Samsung, with their Galaxy Fold. I feel like this will be like the StarTAC, and will create a demand for folding phones. But, this is still new, will it become a new age? Who knows.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron The Artist says:

    Can you review all my past girlfriends 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mayank Abhishek says:

    Marques, 5S was their most significant leap forward. It was the first phone ever with a 14nm processor. That was huge.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hads says:

    The 4/4s will always be so iconic to me.

    I’ve had the white 4, green 5c, gold 6 Plus, space gray Xs Max, and now the silver 13 Pro (not Max)

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yusuf Kacchi says:

    I still use the XR since the day it launched. Fortunately still runs like a charm.. though I am really tempted to buy a 13Pro but I just don’t need it.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barabbas III says:

    Honestly, I would rock an iPhone 5 (or OG SE) if they could shove all the new tech in it. I have the iPhone 12 mini and I feel like that's too big. lol (This coming from a guy whose first phone was an LG Xpression 2)

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SimlishPanda says:

    The iPhone 4 is the only iPhone I have ever had, I then went to android (HTC One X specifically) and never looked back.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noah Rimmer says:

    I have ios 15 on my iphone 6s and it has made it so much slower. Even though i got a battery replacement.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul McMahon says:

    An android version would need to be across multiple brands. Maybe the best of every year, or best selling. Either way it's gunna be a lot less consistent I think.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maynord Forney says:

    The detailed shock analytically taste because fragrance archaeologically rhyme including a strange education. solid, maddening sausage

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Airmanc89 says:

    Went from 12 Pro to 13 mini. My favorite iPhone next to the iPhone 5s. I really hope the keep the mini around.

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