20 Questions with MrBeast around his studio/campus!
Jimmy's channel: https://youtube.com/user/MrBeast6000
MKBHD Merch: http://shop.MKBHD.com
Tech I'm using right now: https://www.amazon.com/shop/MKBHD
Playlist of MKBHD Intro music: https://goo.gl/B3AWV5


All right jimmy so we're both creators yeah both make videos. I think we have a lot in common, but i also think there are a lot of big differences between our channels and our workflows and how we do things you don't bury yourself alive. So i got 20 questions for you. Let's do it all right.

First, one: what's the first app you open on your phone in the morning, i love how we just jumped right into this um. Definitely, twitter, twitter, yeah, okay. I wouldn't recommend, but that's what i do. If you're ever at, like a, i don't know barber shop or in the back of an uber or something like that, and somebody asks you what you do.

How do you answer that question? Oh well, if i'm in the back of an uber, i lie. I just said work at mcdonald's because i you know i don't want to drop me off in my house and be like yo. I know where a youtuber lives right. True, do you have like, like there's, usually follow-up questions you ever like, say what you do and then have to sort of explain it yeah.

So i guess i typically just describe it as i like to give away money, while torturing, myself and occasionally torturing my friends and then just doing whatever random, weird things pop in my head. That's gon na get some follow-up questions yeah for sure i just say i'm a video producer and usually that sort of cafe you're, basically no you're the video producer that decides what tech everyone in america buys. That's what you are. I mean you're too humble to say that, but like half the time, i watch his videos and i just leave and go buy stuff.

So we're sitting here in uh part of the semi deconstructed squid game set from the video you did on top of a bunch of money, you're sitting on about two hundred thousand dollars. We haven't sent it to them, yet it's casual um! You said before in a video that you, you didn't, tell your parents when you started making your channel and then you found it at like 10 000 subscribers same, i didn't tell my parents about it. They found it when they did find it. How do they react and like what's the difference between then when they found it and yeah when all this is going on? Well, my mom was like oh, my gosh she's, not crazy, because she would always think i was just talking to random people in my room or just like talking to myself when i was like recording videos, so she she kind of had a hunch and then she's, Like but why and she's like your your grades suck, can we like start, spend more time on school, less on videos, and i was like no.

I want to spend less time on school and more time on videos, so my mom just wanted what was best for me, but it was pretty brutal at the start, because i was doing bad in school and i literally would just stay up all night making youtube Videos, but then i think there was a moment where we did a brand deal that was basically more than her entire salary and that was kind of when it switched and she was like. You know what you keep doing you. Actually, how about can i join you? Yeah mom come join us now. She loves it.
Obviously you know not because she's money hungry she just didn't want me to end up. You know working at a fast food restaurant, which you know i mean if this didn't work out. I don't i don't know what else i would have ended up doing was that the money comfy sitting on 200 i've never sat on 200 grand. So i didn't have like here put your feet over there now you'll be on there.

Okay, 400 grand is that more comfy. That is more confident, don't rob us. We have security, okay, so you've counted to a hundred thousand. Yes, you said pewdiepie a hundred thousand times.

I did it and logan paul a hundred thousand times you uh completed a mile in the world's largest shoes yep. What's the hardest challenge, you've ever done, physically speaking, the hardest challenge. Uh surprisingly, none of those is actually when i buried myself alive. That was yeah.

I buried myself live for 50 hours, i'm sure footage on screen. It was. It was brutal because i'll be honest, coffins aren't comfortable and my back was hurting and like 30 hours in i was like i almost got out like even just thinking about it, makes me almost tear up. It was so painful on my back.

I feel like you, should collaborate with david blaine at some point, because all of his stunts are somewhere on the borderline of like. How much can you actually physically tolerate yeah? That spectacle is just as weirdly enough when i did that we were in contact and then since then we haven't talked but david. If you see this, please, let's do something! Okay, so if you had to guess how many cameras are on the entire campus for all of the channels, oh god, you run ballpark, you have to put in a number well, so there's videos like last take handoff lamborghini, where we put 50 people's hands on a Lamborghini and in that video we had to get like 50 of these, so we could zoom in and monitor every hand. And then, if you turn the camera, there's uh videos where we do hide and see sometimes with dozens of people, and so they each need a handheld and then other videos.

We need like 50 gopros. I mean we're probably up to like 250 300 cameras. But i was going to guess it was higher. I think i guess like i'm, trying to be conservative but yeah yeah.

It's uh, it's crazy, but it's not like we're just buying them to buy them. It's just like certain videos literally need like 50 to 60 cameras at certain times. I just like we just buy cameras and they sit here and then, when we need them, we just grab them. That's the way to go, that's the way to go yeah.

I personally. I don't like, like super high quality cameras, i prefer to look a little more amateur, so i've been using like these g7xs and, like average stuff for like a very long time, 24 or 30 fps a 30. okay yeah there, it is yeah 24 is like your. Your career is fading.

Like you're, you know you're you're, trying to get into movies and some of that that never works kidding. I hope you don't do 24.. I do 30., okay, okay, so i read somewhere. I think you said you've gone through a dictionary and would just like pick random words to see if you can find good video ideas in there.
It works actually better than you would think you still do that yeah yeah. So basically, it's not just a dictionary. It's you, you want to take in inspiration and then see what pops in your head so say a random word anywhere, something you don't think i will think you're gon na say: mannequins. Okay, we'll just make his pipes.

Okay, so can can a million mannequins stop a car? Can uh ten thousand mannequins, stop a tank right or uh? What happened? I hate to make them all the same, but what, if you put a million mannequins on train tracks and try to hit it with the train, what happens yeah? It seems like something you could pull off. I, the hard part, is like what makes it a good like compelling video, because exactly people will be curious, but what makes it really good is a challenge. Well, and that's the thing, but the point is you you take in random inspiration, you see what pops in your head, you write them down and then usually one out of every 100 is good, and so that's why i like to flip to the dictionary all right. So you know how spotify does that rap thing? Every year, where they'll show you like all the artists and yeah you listen to the most yeah.

If youtube did a wrapped for you, oh my gosh, who would be the most viewed channels that you watch marquez bradley marquez brown, oh that's nice, but who else? Hmm, i'm gon na need like 10 seconds to think take your time. You have to build your own raft. This is something i think they should actually do by the way. I agree i mean it's obvious.

I don't know why they don't youtube are screwing up. I mean 90 of people watch. This won't even know these channels, but i love wendover production polymatter, like people that just make videos like it, sounds dumb but like why uh global shipping is easier than manufacturing, domestically or or like things like that or like um. What sort of edu splainer type yeah exactly or like mark rover veritasium? I love learning things because it's you know i'm not helping myself here, but i i don't like when i spend a couple hours on youtube and i don't really walk away with much.

So i try to like really watch and click on videos that teach me stuff. So when i do go on youtube, it's like all videos that i learned all right. So i remember when the first youtube channel hit a million subscribers fred right. It was a huge deal, it was for it.

I was gon na. Ask you if you knew, but of course you knew yeah and then i remember the first one to hit 10 million. I don't know that one ray ray william johnson smosh. Oh that's right! Yeah 10 million and then obviously pewdiepie got to 100 million and it's just crazy scale and just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
Yeah you've said before your goal is to hit 100 million subscribers yeah. I feel, like you, have a pretty good shot at making that happen. We're basically, there yeah on the way, what how do you set goals for yourself as a creator for your channel yeah, assuming you do hit 100 million? Do you set another goal? What exactly i got it? I love this question so back in the day my goals used to be very subscriber based or view based, but one thing i've learned - and i think you've probably learned this as well. It's like everything you want as a youtube creator, every freaking goal you want to hit whether it be subscribers you want to hit a million or 10 million or whatever will come if you just make the best videos possible.

So my goal - and this is what it will be until the day i die - is to make the best youtube videos possible, and so, if my hypothetical goal was 300 million subscribers in 10 years, that will happen. If i just make the best videos possible. My goal is to get 50 million views of video. That will happen if i just make the best whatever it is.

You know just focus on making the best videos possible and all these other vanity arbitrary metrics will just fall into play. I don't mean that in an arrogant way, but that's just kind of like the mindset you have to have like go hard and believe in yourself. You know. Okay, so you've had a lot of interesting ideas for videos.

Yes, i wonder how many of them you've probably said this before, but how many of them do you scrap after you started them before they're done, oh gosh, um, so, probably one out of every four videos being a filming end up getting scrapped because, like i'll give You an example right: climbing a wall with plungers seems like a cool idea, yeah, and then you get hundreds of plungers. You get the strongest plungers in the world, you hire engineers and you realize you can't climb a wall with plungers and so then it gets scrapped or you know we made the world's largest cookie and we were going to try to eat it. But then you know you get in the weeds and you're like wait, a minute eating that much sugar is probably not good for you yeah, and so then it's like ops, kill it um, and so it's one of those things where you know i'm 23. I haven't done a lot of these things, and so, while i'm doing it, i learn stuff and i'm like.

Oh that's not what i thought. Okay, this is a quick one. Why do you have the world's largest iphone? And i don't um? I don't know. I just saw it on ebay, look cool, is it it? Does it works? It works.

I'm so glad this isn't. My town. I thought you just docked me comment down below if you think he should switch his normal phone to the world's largest iphone for a month and vlog it. I think that would be such a good video a month a month.

Give him give me a week. I'll. Do a week two weeks take her or leave it right if he doesn't so here's one, how do you decide what to say yes to because that's what you have the ability if you want to pick up the phone and make any video you want happen, i Mean there's yeah, that's being built for the most insane ideas, i've ever seen, yeah. How do you set because most of it is how you decide on the guess, yeah? Well, so video, specifically it's uh, it's pretty simple! What what makes the best video possible! I mean, like i hate, to keep coming back to this point, but that's all that matters.
What makes the best video possible? What will people enjoy the most? What's something original unique, blah blah? You know that they've never seen before and that's that's kind of really yeah. Yeah i mean like it's not money, i don't care to make money. I literally look at this. You think this is profitable on a youtube channel.

It's not money, it's not really time or effort. It's really just whatever's the best video, that's what i want to do and i think, as long as that's your standard, like everything else, just falls into place as a youtuber, so i feel like the squid games. Video was sort of a a long time in the making or almost like a master which, by the way, if you hear background noises because they're tearing down the sets of squid game, so we're literally in the middle of it. I don't know that's we're in one of the squid game rooms as they're tearing down the other ones.

I wanted to move around it's my fault, but uh. Do you have a new grail video that you want to make sure i do some like super high-end production that you've been dreaming of making that you can't wait to yeah? So i basically i want to take everything i learned from squid game and apply it to this other idea, but if i told you i legit would have to kill you. Okay, tell me i'll bleep it out. Okay, so basically i want to do.

Do you think it could be bigger than squid game, though i think it could yeah it depends on when you do it, but yes yeah. I mean it's gon na take like six months. Yeah bet, okay, make sure he blurs that it'll be a really long. Bleep.

All right, i'm a reviewer, but i got ta. Ask you yeah for a little review. Can you review youtube? Give me a rating of the whole platform on a scale from one attempt uh, i mean i'm incredibly biased, uh a hundred out of ten because it changed my life and gave me everything. I ever wanted well see that's dangerous, because youtube needs a little bit of competition needs a little bit of like reasoning.

I don't know, i'm pretty happy. I think things are fine. Youtube gets rid of the dislike counter on all videos. Yeah they make decisions.

Sometimes are a little bit head scratchers. Do you feel like well? First of all, what do you think of the dislike counter disappearing? I see that's where it's one of those things where i don't know. If there's a right answer, because i do know that people were you know targeting certain groups of people or races of people and bombing them with dislikes or using it to abuse people, and there were services where you could buy a bunch. So, in a way it was being used to silence people and harassment, but they're also good ways.
It's a good signal to show videos, crappy or there's mention of information, and so i don't know i i lean towards. I think dislikes aren't that good overall, but i also see why they had to get rid of it, because you know it's one of those tough things where i think, no matter what there's not really a right answer, here's one! What do you miss about old youtube old youtube? There's a lot of relics, a lot of throwbacks and stuff. I do miss that back in the day, you can be a little bit more edgier. I do yeah, i think, like you know, it would be cool to see someone see if, like um, i don't know like um, a million legos could like stop a bear for the gal or something like that like, whereas i feel like videos like that, like that, Aren't necessarily bad, but just because it has a gun like i don't feel like the times have changed yeah for sure exactly.

I kind of there's also like ui things like i look at a screenshot of old youtube and i immediately like think of the videos. I was watching back, then i don't know if you have that like. Oh, this was the era of the ray william johnson, same yeah ray william johnson call of duty commentaries like woody's camera tag and all those guys we're running out of places. We're uh we're in front of a dumpster yeah for this next one uh we're joined by this dumpster here so uh, there's a lot of space inside and outside for a lot of people working on a lot of different things, yep.

How many people are on the team? Currently? Do you have to ballpark something like that? I mean that's top secret information, we'll just say that it's been going up quite a bit. I mean. Obviously, we went from videos back in the day where it was just me and chris and we would just react to stuff to now. You know with squid game we had to build eight full hollywood level, production sets and yeah i mean on that video alone.

We probably had 300 different people working on it like at least 150 just contractors alone - building stuff. You know: 20 editors, 20, plus camera people stuff, like that. So um i mean they're getting pretty huge, yeah there's a lot that goes into it, but thankfully we have this dumpster to film in front of all right in 30 seconds or less we've had team trees yeah. It was an incredible success.

Yeah it's still going. Why should the internet care about team c's? Well, i mean, if you care about the ocean, you should care about team seas because, basically for every dollar we raise the ocean. Conservancy and ocean. Cleanup have agreed to remove one pound of trash or plastic from the ocean and we're trying to remove 30 million pounds of trash or plastic from the ocean before the end of the year, and i know i sound like a salesman but like i mean i don't Know why would you not care it's a pretty great pitch, though yeah exactly, but also at the same time like it's, not the end-all be-all, it's not going to fix all our issues.
I think it's just a way to show that you know the younger generation cares and we want to make a change and, like you know these little things add up right. Yes, this one thing might not, you know, make a huge dent, but if 100 of them happen and inspires people to build new technology or to use you know, metal, whatever water bottles and stuff plastic water bowls, it all adds up. So it's really just about you know, making a little dent and inspiring the younger generation to do good perfect. It's not necessarily about the 30 million pounds.

It's about the inspiration, it's about the positive net influence of people coming together and demonstrating something powerful, so yeah and just showing that people care honestly honest thoughts on youtube rewind. Should they bring it back? Is it retired forever yeah? How do you feel about real, definitely retired forever, should not bring back. The thing is: youtube's massive right, like dude, there's, a giant community that speaks spanish, there's a giant community and even like southeast asia and like there's so many different communities on youtube that you have never heard of. None of them have ever heard of because we speak english.

We don't speak their language, like i think, back in the day, it was perfect because it was there. You know when smosh did 10 million. There wasn't many channels with 10 million right. It was a different era, but i think youtube's gotten so ginormous that it is impossible that i think you should do a rewind for tech.

I think whatever, like someone in the beauty community, should do a rewind for the beauty community and i think, like that's. What should happen it should it should definitely just get passed down to the creators to represent their own communities because they know it better than anyone all right. Jimmy last question: oh boy, what's the best advice, you've ever gotten the best advice he just hit me. I thought we were gon na switch places um.

I think one thing that i like that helped me is uh you're, you're, crazy, until you're successful, then you're a genius and i think, for a lot of people. When you know you're grinding as a small channel people think you're too obsessed you're a weirdo. Stop only making videos like get alive be realistic, you're. You know i mean people will convince you you're out of your mind, for wanting to to do this, but then once you're successful they're like yo your drive, your tenacity was great, but it's like yeah well.

Where was that back then? You know i didn't get that when i was a small channel, and so i think, you're crazy until you're successful, then you're a genius and with it keep it up if you're, if you're a creator watching this, which i feel like there's going to be some of Them out there like, if you want to take any inspiration from this video, that's kind of part of it number one make videos that you'd want to watch. That's for me, number two make the best videos you possibly can and eventually that's a great thing to aspire to anyway and then keep at it thanks for watching catch you guys later. Can we do this peace? Oh, i beat them.


12 thoughts on “20 questions with mrbeast!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin says:

    I frequently watch every channel mr beast listed for his “yt wrapped”, and I suspect a good amount of MKBHD viewers do too

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Community Coz says:

    Great interview. I'm probably one a few people not subscribed to MrBeast's channel. Through this interview I gain a good deal of respect for him.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! • Jad • says:

    "You're crazy, until you're successful. Then you're a genius"
    …I'm with this. I'll be taking that into consideration in the future

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jayrodathome says:

    So good at holding the camera and seeming like he’s not holding the camera.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just Rahat says:

    I never realised how tall Mr beast is until he stood beside Marques in this video. Damn. Dudes tall af

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Davis says:

    This guy is a legend and huge inspiration to anyone wanting to build a life doing what they love.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slade Flynn says:

    Man, the quote “Your crazy Until you’re successful” That’s awesome! i can’t believe that you guys finally teamed up!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars theAnswerIsFortyTwo says:

    This video was amazing. This is the best video I've ever seen in my life. Hands down. Just sayin' I loved this video. Not hating on your review videos. Not hating on Mr Beast's videos, but Marques, your interview videos are amazing. You are a fantastic interviewer Marques!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anonymous says:

    Hey everyone! 😀 I hope you stay safe and have a nice day, God bless you! <3

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Irun Mon says:

    It's so nice that Marques interviewed this small youtuber and put his link in the description 🥰

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sumiran Maiskar says:

    What a great video man I like MrBeast more after this, I hadn't watched much of his content before.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominique Wilson says:

    He's absolutely correct about different communities. My wife (also african-american) grew up in an urban American city, loves watching videos of people in rural eastern europe and rural asia doing lifestyle videos where they prepare their meals. They all are subtitled and have millions of subscribers and I have never heard of these channels and I suspect if we werent married I never would know about these channels. Youtube is not perfect but it is definitely a larg, diverse community.

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